Submitted by SirGinger76 t3_10q88ms in movies

I remember long ago watching the Nun or at least a movie similar to it & I swear when watching the Nun again today with my wife it was a completely different movie. Was I too stoned or something years ago? There were changesd scenes and I specifically remember the ending with smoke and seeing the demon itself in the circle as they pushed it back to hell and epically denounced it and cast it down…is there another movie like this? Unless it’s just a changed ending but I also remember the girl being trapped underground in a casket not the priest.

Some scenes I don’t even remember seeing or that they were changed. Seriously confused. I also thought there was a guy like the priest who was into sorcery and that he wasn’t even a priest? Am I mixing this up with a different movie? Only thing is I know the the Red head curly guy with the shotgun was in it for sure.



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Thick_Isopod_6778 t1_j6oiehk wrote

It's NOT even a movie. It's the same joke we all had for the past 10 years...


thatCapNCrunch t1_j6oorpr wrote

A horror movie from a while back called The Devil Inside had a nun on the cover. Never saw it but maybe you did?


datesboy t1_j6ovegs wrote

Isn't the Nun part of The Conjuring series? Maybe you're blending in something from those movies. I think she's featured quite a bit in The Conjuring 2. Couldn't say for sure as I don't remember them all too well and they definitely blend together for me.


SirGinger76 OP t1_j6owxc3 wrote

No I definitely remember my brother and I comparing this movie to a quest of the 3 to fight evil. There’s a youtube video saying there’s a deleted scene we never got to see, thing is my brother and I did, I wonder why it’s so hard to find or see. here’s the link. we saw this banishment from the priest i swear to God! There was no water scene at all, this is all new and i’m absolutely confused & frustrated.