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ZorroMeansFox t1_j6g58j2 wrote

I'll say "Daisy" being sung during the scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey when HAL is "killed."

I've come to believe that this might be the first time that a film used a "slowed-down, tone-shifted" dark version of an upbeat song in order to create an eerie effect. As a kid, when I first experienced it, I remember thinking that other directors could use "altered" versions of songs to create strange moods; and it was satisfying to see this happen again and again over the years.


bluesheepreasoning t1_j6gf1z4 wrote

Personally, I first saw a version of it in a demonstration of DALL•E's variation feature, which added a haunting and robotic undertone to the video. I later learned that this particular version of Daisy Bell was the first ever song synthesized by a computer.