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BigJeff25 OP t1_j6qraka wrote

700 - 800Kish range

Decent enough but I probably work too hard…


Few-Quarter-751 t1_j6qrvzx wrote

I am sure you can find a job that meets your incredible pay scale down jn Oklahoma. NH may not be the place for an upscale gentlemen like yourself. Cheers


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6qstyk wrote

I have that. It would be nice if I could find a place where ppl don’t take themselves so seriously and can have a sense of humor but the outside of the home doesn’t advertise “I’m a really old man with a huge prostate” vibes…

I’m really not trying to be a douche - I am seriously asking if there are any non colonial houses anywhere in the state. Serious question.


vexingsilence t1_j6qwu5o wrote

It's an old colonial state. Maybe stay in OK and get yourself a nice fancy double-wide.


LeverTech t1_j6rjoaz wrote

You make enough money, find some land and build one.


didntdonothingwrong t1_j6rkzzb wrote

Whether you have nice things to say or bad things to say, it doesn’t matter. We don’t want you here either way.