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bsmith696969 t1_j6qualf wrote

We're full, no vacancy for snobby cunts.. go away.


CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j6r7zxv wrote

Ah that NH warmth <3


emptycoils t1_j6rhxvm wrote

Well it would help if some dumbass behind his keyboard in Oklahoma wasn’t ranting about how ugly colonial homes are.. while shopping for homes in New England. What a fucking idiot.


bsmith696969 t1_j6rnl87 wrote

I'm plenty warm to people that don't insult our culture before they set foot in our state.


MurkyDismal18 t1_j6qomtl wrote

This part of the country has some of the oldest homes in the US? I'm not really understanding this gripe?


Few-Quarter-751 t1_j6qqtja wrote

We’ll maybe it’s your price range - how much douchebags get paid these days?


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6qraka wrote

700 - 800Kish range

Decent enough but I probably work too hard…


Few-Quarter-751 t1_j6qrvzx wrote

I am sure you can find a job that meets your incredible pay scale down jn Oklahoma. NH may not be the place for an upscale gentlemen like yourself. Cheers


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6qstyk wrote

I have that. It would be nice if I could find a place where ppl don’t take themselves so seriously and can have a sense of humor but the outside of the home doesn’t advertise “I’m a really old man with a huge prostate” vibes…

I’m really not trying to be a douche - I am seriously asking if there are any non colonial houses anywhere in the state. Serious question.


vexingsilence t1_j6qwu5o wrote

It's an old colonial state. Maybe stay in OK and get yourself a nice fancy double-wide.


LeverTech t1_j6rjoaz wrote

You make enough money, find some land and build one.


didntdonothingwrong t1_j6rkzzb wrote

Whether you have nice things to say or bad things to say, it doesn’t matter. We don’t want you here either way.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_j6qx56c wrote

Yeah, we have modern homes here. We also have a lot old homes here too, because we’re part of the 13 original colonies. You know, the founding of this country in which we all live. For example, my house isn’t THAT old by NH standards and it’s still 72 years older than the State of Oklahoma. And built better than any of that new construction shit. Also, in New England, we are frugal people; we don’t just jump to something because it is new.

So maybe Florida is more your speed? Lots of new real estate! No income tax.


CrunchyCrunch816 t1_j6r83xy wrote

OP you sound like an asshole

Time to move just south to MA where you’ll fit in with all the cool modern dudes


Doug_Shoe t1_j6rfujw wrote

Since when did Oklahoma become the cutting edge of modernity in architecture or anything else? Lulz


BlindHobo t1_j6rj6f5 wrote

Look at this pretentious cunt. “I want to come live in one of the oldest places in the country but I don’t want it to look old” get fucked stay where you are.


Tootie0 t1_j6rmwxo wrote

Massachusetts here, try Connecticut. You'll fit in with all the New York transplants.


truthswillsetyoufree t1_j6roi1m wrote

As someone who moved to NH from the Midwest, the reason for everyone’s reaction is that you’ve massively pissed them off. We have a sense of humor, but your post hit a nerve. We are super proud of our history and quaint vibe here. It’s part of the culture. Similar to how Oklahoma is proud of…uhhh…that song “Oklahoma” and dust bowls, I guess.

If you want “modern,” go somewhere they build shiny new construction that is only meant to last 50 years.


jwc8985 t1_j6rmuq1 wrote

Moved here from Texas 6 months ago and have spent a ton of time in Oklahoma over the years. Most new construction in Oklahoma is a modern ranch house style with builders offering like 3 brick options and 2 stone options. Inside, they’re all designed with the modern farmhouse aesthetic in mind. They all look the same. Same shit in Texas.

Brick and stone aren’t as common up here for a reason. Roof pitches are typically steeper up here for a reason. It’s a very different climate that needs to be accounted for.

But based on your post and comments, you probably wouldn’t like it here and would struggle to make friends. People here are kind, but typically more reserved and take time to fully open up. If this is an accurate reflection of how you communicate, be ready to feel quite isolated.

Personally, I will add that the move up here has been refreshing. It’s a bit slower pace, the air is cleaner, there’s a real sense of community I’ve never experienced anywhere else, and the people are generally more genuine and far less shallow than in the south.


Detritus_AMCW t1_j6s1fxf wrote

As a bonus, your soil doesn't shift, potentially destroying your foundation like in North TX, South OK. Sure, you might have to contend with Radon, but there are ways to mitigate it.


Neat-Ad11 t1_j6rn5zq wrote

Next he’ll be complaining that it’s too cold and snows too much and asking how to get rid of the black bears in the woods. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Maybe CA or some other non New England state would make sense for OP? Wow.


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6tbh2w wrote

Thought of that

Banking on global warming to solve those problems! That’s why I’m considering fleeing down south.

I like cold. And woods. And black bears from a reasonable distance.

I don’t like ticks or Lyme disease though. That stuff is gross. Driving in snow does sound sketch - but hey! Global warming?


Neat-Ad11 t1_j6titqw wrote

You might want to try somewhere in the middle then, if you’re banking on global warming. It’ll be a long time before NH has mild winters and when that happens we’ll have a lot more to worry about.


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6tk6c1 wrote

You have to skate to where the puck is going my friend. Looks like NH has one of the most mild winters in history to date. Massive fires and poor air quality out west OK record days above 100F this summer. Many days above 110 which is unreal here.

By 2050 NH should feel pretty nice. Yes many environmental problems but way less than elsewhere….


Neat-Ad11 t1_j6tl7v8 wrote

There’s more to New England than hiding from global warming. You don’t sound like you’d be very happy with our architecture and, probably, not the culture. Have you been here? I mean you’d be welcome if you were coming for the right reasons but move here and start complaining about things and you won’t make many friends or probably be very happy. Come up with an open mind and an honest interest in taking on and understanding why things are the way they are here and you’ll be fine. Just don’t plan on it being at all like where you are now, and architecture is only scratching the surface. Maybe visit a while?


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6tlucn wrote

Of course. I’m just a fool who pissed off a subreddit online. Not a total hapless moron. I like the way the towns look quite a bit. In person I get along with most ppl and travel a lot. But yes a long visit is appropriate. It just blew my mind that every single neighborhood looks the same. Maybe an adjusted and finer eye starts to appreciate some nuance.


Neat-Ad11 t1_j6tn6vn wrote

I think it’s hard to look at someplace so different when you’re still in your current environment and understand or appreciate it fully. You’d probably be able to make a better decision and know if the architecture (which we are proud of) suits you or not. Places grow on people once they have a home and friends there so maybe it will work for you. So many people outside of New England don’t appreciate the things that we really love about it and that just rubs people the wrong way here when it’s criticized.

And to answer your original question, assuming it was sincere, yes, there are new houses here but most are built in the older styles (colonial, Victorian, farm house) to compliment what’s already here. If you’re looking for those plain, functional, and lifeless neighborhoods of cookie cutter houses that you see in the rest of the country, you’re not likely to find it here.


BionicGimpster t1_j6rncvu wrote

I usually try to be a voice of reason to people asking questions about NH when many post - "sorry, we're full."

But - I can assure you that you will not be happy in NH. Your douchey attitude is exactly what makes people who move here complain that the locals never make them feel welcome.

"I'm looking for a home that isn't a colonial - a more modern style in X area of the state" - will get you welcome here. "you dumb fucks keep building and buying colonials, what the fuck is wrong with you" will get you ostracized. You'll have a hard time making friends here.

We are the live free or die state. you are free to think whatever you want. But when you interfere with others... you are not going to like it here.


TJsName t1_j6qu0bp wrote


Detritus_AMCW t1_j6s0zd0 wrote

Lol did not even need to look just seeing Hanover in the URL let me guess the price range.


TJsName t1_j6u8dii wrote

Yeah, a bit out of my range. Interesting place though if you have a bunch of wives and dozens of kids you're trying to house at the same time.


sideshot1 t1_j6ra7v3 wrote

this is still the USA buy some land and build whatever you want


kberson t1_j6qxya0 wrote

Where in the State are you looking, what rabbit hole town did you find on Zillow? That could well be the problem.


gmcgath t1_j6rma3w wrote

In 14 years, OP has managed a post karma of 1, and not for lack of posting.

Still, sexist name calling should have no place here. It says so in the rules. As I'm posting this comment, 39 people think it's a good thing. I hope I never meet any of these 39.


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6tckrc wrote

I feel under attack!

Not sure about sexist though. Have you seen handmaids tale? It’s quite good and portrays a dystopian patriarchal society that oppresses woman. The colonial architecture is similar to the architecture in the show.

The prostate joke is more of an ageist joke. Not meant to be misogynistic… and a joke.


FTheOldWest t1_j6rj4mq wrote

I sent you a dm! :)


BigJeff25 OP t1_j6qqeia wrote

Yes. Every home on the outside looks like grandpa has lived there for the past 300 years. Even the ones currently under construction being built in 2023. Everything has this boxey, churchy colonial look. Every. Single. House…… Every. Single. Neighborhood. …. In. The. Entire. State!!!! All of them look like the blue prints were just copied from 100 years ago.

I’m just wondering if there is at least one neighborhood that looks like homes are designed in the 21st century?


EmeraldMoose12 t1_j6qxeib wrote

Okay, so NH is not right for you. Pass on the job. And move the fuck on.