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manbunsandkayaks t1_j72q175 wrote

Great post

As I was driving home (Jackson) I shook my head at all the idiots parked at trail heads

Mainly Connecticut Mass and Rhode Island

Few New Jersey

Few NH stragglers

Now this portion of my comment may get a downvote: I almost wish that rangers or someone will come and ticket these people for their wrecklessness prior to their big SAR bill they get that puts rescuers at big time danger. Maybe that way they can catch the idiots sooner than later. And also ticket those who decide to go on trails wearing crocs and flip flops during “normal” weather 😑🤡🥴🥴


baddspellar t1_j73690b wrote

When Kate Matrosova died a few years ago, the temperature was -35F, and winds were 79MPH, for a wind chill of -88.

Weather is already more severe than that. Temperature is -35F, but winds are 89MPH, with gusts to 107MPH. Windchill is -90F. It will get worse. If someone tries to summit anything in the Northern Presidential today, they cannot be rescued. Anyone up there without a survival shelter will die. With a survival shelter, you have to hope you can live until conditions ease to the point where humans can walk again. That won't be until tomorrow, at best.

It would be possible to summit something below treeline, but the only reason to do that today would be to brag about it. Every summit will still be open on Sunday, when conditions are expected to be be downright pleasant.


manbunsandkayaks t1_j7377hb wrote

Yep read the book 3 times. I just can’t seem to fathom some of the things people do and you nailed it “to brag”. I mean some people have to truly swallow their pride and acknowledge when bad is truly fucking bad and to just stay home


_tjb t1_j74b7hi wrote

Warden’s Watch Podcast with former NH Game Warden Wayne Saunders (awesome podcast) did a multiple part series on the Kate Matrosova tragedy. Well worth a listen.


boldolive t1_j740dyu wrote

You saw people parked at WMNF trailheads today?? We make fun of those people, but I really didn’t expect anyone to go up today or tomorrow.


manbunsandkayaks t1_j7411qk wrote

YES!! And it wasn’t like just parked to pull over. One car with NH plates was still running so well let that one slide but CT and a few Mass and RI were scattered throughout, cars off, no one to be seen. I legit slowed down to see if I can see a head in the car or if someone was just taking a pic of the sign or something. But NOPE! I think they decided to truly take on Mother Nature


Happy_Confection90 t1_j749btb wrote

For God's sake. SAR must be tempted to let the gene pool clean itself tonight.


lintylint t1_j76bx26 wrote

There’s an ice climbing festival happening in the Mount Washington Valley this weekend so the cars you saw were likely climbers. As far as I know clinics haven’t been canceled for today… just wild.