boldolive t1_je5uiz0 wrote
Reply to comment by Automatic-Raspberry3 in Anyone interested in bill burr? by ElegantCommittee3551
boldolive t1_je2xq2v wrote
boldolive t1_jdi7xon wrote
Reply to comment by GraniteGeekNH in Got this sometime ago. USGS doesn't have this level of accuracy in their maps. by Peanut-Donut
Yeah, and Keene also has Antioch University, which brings a lot of very smart and talented older students to the area who have done a ton to improve the community. One example among many is that the Monadnock Food Co-op was the brain child of two Antioch students; writing a concept paper for the Co-op was their final graduate project, and they were deeply involved in raising money to build the Co-op after they graduated.
boldolive t1_jdi735f wrote
Reply to comment by Peanut-Donut in Got this sometime ago. USGS doesn't have this level of accuracy in their maps. by Peanut-Donut
Yep. It’s my favorite road ride in the area. It’s a bitch to climb, but the descent is epic and you can just look around at all the gorgeousness.
boldolive t1_jayj4b9 wrote
Reply to comment by overdoing_it in This is an old school NH snowstorm. Good to see! by ReauxChambeaux
That’s the spirit!
boldolive t1_j74z31e wrote
Reply to comment by Least-Car6096 in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
Yeah, it’s hard to prevent people from participating after they’ve spent so much money and effort to travel. The organizers should have canceled sooner.
boldolive t1_j7456yh wrote
Reply to comment by manbunsandkayaks in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
Oh good Lord. 🤦♀️
boldolive t1_j744z8m wrote
Reply to comment by rabblebowser in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
Yikes. Sounds like he’d rather be among a different group of “journalists.” Thank you!
boldolive t1_j740uzb wrote
Reply to comment by rabblebowser in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
Hm, interesting… I liked him. I’d love to hear the scoop if anyone has deets.
boldolive t1_j740lr6 wrote
Reply to comment by Emeleigh_Rose in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
I was really surprised when I heard they didn’t reschedule. 🤦♀️
boldolive t1_j740dyu wrote
Reply to comment by manbunsandkayaks in Don't Underestimate The Cold by TheCloudBoy
You saw people parked at WMNF trailheads today?? We make fun of those people, but I really didn’t expect anyone to go up today or tomorrow.
boldolive t1_j5zx3r5 wrote
Reply to comment by gogoalix in Any experienced hikers willing to hike monadnock with me this weekend? by Cancer-Cheater
Microspikes probably won’t cut it at the moment — will probably need full crampons.
boldolive t1_j5ktdz2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hey ME and VT we're pretty too by margismith1111
boldolive t1_j5ksnpa wrote
Reply to 1,2,3 storms in Manchester by margismith1111
We have outages here in the Monadnock Region, with white pine boughs all over the roads and power lines. This is a doozy!
boldolive t1_j2wunw7 wrote
Reply to comment by northstar42 in What bank do you recommend? Wife and I are moving and have a flexible area we can move to by wetmoose913
I agree — avoid TD Bank. Several years ago they lost a class-action lawsuit because they were rearranging the chronology of customers’ checks to cause overdraft fees. I was a victim of that fraud and received a small settlement. I switched banks to Savings Bank of Walpole and really like their ethics and their personal touch. Whenever I need something, I can call and talk to an actual human being.
boldolive t1_j2uyw7v wrote
Reply to All the Bright Places by Revolutionary-Card51
Wall Dogs mural tour in Keene.
boldolive t1_j1cjsx5 wrote
Reply to Peppermint Stick Ice Cream?? by LvnLife2019
We get it at our local co-op.
boldolive t1_izguu7i wrote
Reply to comment by plowfaster in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
Great post. Depending on your perspective, a downside to all those trails is they’re packed with ATVs and snowmobiles. Even the sidewalks are opened up for snowmobiles in the winter. For me, that’s a huge no fuckin way.
boldolive t1_ix92um7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 NH Fish & Game SAR Teams Searching for Overdue Hiker by agent_tits
You’re reading into the absence of information. SAR reported only what her mom told them she was wearing when she started her hike. Just because SAR didn’t report other details doesn’t mean they weren’t provided. Do you think the only thing her mom told SAR is what she’s wearing? Of course not — her mom told SAR everything she knows. SAR isn’t going to report every single detail to the public. Thus, you have zero evidence that she doesn’t have a backpack and so your post is spreading misinformation that maligns the hiker. That is shitty.
boldolive t1_ix916s2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 NH Fish & Game SAR Teams Searching for Overdue Hiker by agent_tits
You wrote that the hiker doesn’t have a backpack. There is absolutely no evidence that she doesn’t have a backpack — zero news agencies have reported that — so your original post contains made-up shit to make the hiker look irresponsible and to inflame the online dialogue.
boldolive t1_ix80qxy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 NH Fish & Game SAR Teams Searching for Overdue Hiker by agent_tits
Stop spreading lies that you have no evidence for. The situation is bad enough without trolls like you making shit up.
boldolive t1_ix6lua8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 NH Fish & Game SAR Teams Searching for Overdue Hiker by agent_tits
Why do you say she is without a backpack? The article describes what she was wearing when she started her hike, but doesn’t say anything about not having a pack.
boldolive t1_jeco20u wrote
Reply to comment by Roberto-Del-Camino in Got this sometime ago. USGS doesn't have this level of accuracy in their maps. by Peanut-Donut
Really, why? Do you mean it’s less of a bitch to climb on a motorcycle (obviously), but that you have to really pay attention to the road on the descent?