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t1_j9h2q1a wrote

I'm fine with people moving here, as long as they don't come here and try to change our way of life.

That's never made sense to me. You choose to move then attempt to change your new home to match the crap you moved away from.


t1_j9h8vhs wrote

As someone who’s lived in Mass, California, Virginia and North Carolina. That stupid saying of “ Don’t change our way of life” has to be the most ignorant one. We all live in the U.S.A for crying out loud. The way of life in San Diego is pretty much the same as Boston. The way of Life in Wilmington was the same as Boston and San Diego. There’s literally nothing to change. Some of the food is different, the way certain things are done like trash, water / sewer etc are different. But quite literally everything else is the same. People in NH don’t live a unique lifestyle that is just NH.


t1_j9haz2q wrote

The taxes, laws and policies of MA would indicate a very different way of thinking and living. I’m from MA and moved to NH because it wasn’t desirable to the way I wanted to live. I love it in NH, mainly because I don’t get penalized for getting up in the morning and going to work and I get to indulge in certain sports and hobbies that would cost more money just to ask for permission ( another thing I really don’t like) to partake in, before actually spending money on said hobby


t1_j9hepxv wrote

I’ve found noticeable cultural differences in different regions of the country (It’s pretty fucking big) maybe consider if you’re ignorant as well before pointing the finger chief.


t1_j9hd4ww wrote

You’ll notice you’re comparing coastal cities to coastal cities.


t1_j9hbohp wrote

If these places are all the same as you say, then why do people move? Come on


t1_j9hfvq1 wrote

You think people only move to be in a different environment? Seriously? Have you ever talked to anyone who has moved? There are endless reasons why people move.


t1_j9hcegl wrote

Most move for Jobs or education. Not for the so called way of life. I moved to NC because winters to me are the worst. Not for any supposed way of life. My day to day life is exactly the same as it was in Massachusetts, and except warmer.


t1_j9hdasn wrote

See you mention jobs and education and then in the very next sentence state that a shift away from seasonal living was your biggest factor in moving.


t1_j9hh8if wrote

It still doesn’t change my day to day life. And a northerner can’t bring the weather south.


t1_j9hmkqk wrote

Probably one of the more garbage/uninformed takes I’ve seen in a while.


t1_j9hl4f4 wrote

This attitude cracks me up. Live Free but Don’t Vote Here?


t1_j9ho900 wrote

How very MTG of you…

If you pay NH property taxes, you have the right to do whatever you are legally allowed to do. Not a fan? Move to Berlin


t1_j9hpl7b wrote

What a weird way of saying "I can't read and entirely miss points"


t1_j9hq8ah wrote

OK enlighten me. My smooth brain read this comment to mean that they are cool with people moving here, but just as long as you do what we do. Which is not AT ALL how this thing works.

But I’m dumb so enlighten me.


t1_j9hzyal wrote

And them’s some hefty property taxes, esp compared to Mass


t1_j9jzqjd wrote

They are/were pretty much equal. Higher priced property with slightly lower taxes equal lower priced property with slightly higher taxes.


t1_j9ka0ft wrote

Not the same when you pay off your mortgage though. Property taxes vary a lot in Mass, they’re very low in Boston