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brigdin t1_j9haa4r wrote

So they move here and drive up housing prices here and then nobody from New Hampshire can afford to live here. Wonderful!


danmac1152 t1_j9hc42a wrote

Yea that’s kinda how it works. Same as how so many people want to move to Mass, drive the prices up, then people from Mass can’t afford to live there. Called supply and demand. I don’t think anyone likes it. But again, people do what they can to afford their lives and survive.


futureygoodness t1_j9i36ag wrote

People here could choose to build more houses, don’t blame people moving here for poor policy decisions they couldn’t have had a part in.


raxnbury t1_j9i69sl wrote

You are not wrong. Don’t discount the sway that local property management companies have on local government.

Take Dover for example, last I looked it was something like 50% renters and most of those rentals belong to a handful of shitty property management companies. And they sure as shit don’t want anyone else building but them.


lellololes t1_j9ji9te wrote

Welcome to Planet Earth, where such things have been happening since the dawn of civilization.