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t1_j9arpej wrote

Sounds like someone planted an irrational fear in you.

I hike and camp maybe 10x a summer, for years.

Live in rural area.

My family averages maybe 1-2 ticks a year found crawling, in past 10 years maybe 1-2 ticks embedded.

Keep the yard clean, if possible remove oak trees from property (feel like the acorns bring more mice/chipmunks/squirrels around)

We don’t spray the yard, and only spray picardin/permethrin when hiking

Edit: most of the ticks we find seem to come from a day at the park/playground/ ball field.


OP t1_j9axn06 wrote

Yes I do have an irrational fear lol the internet does wonders for that

Thank you for the info!


t1_j9cli7q wrote

It’s not irrational. Thinking it is is a privilege of someone that didn’t get it badly or have to caretake someone who got it badly. Over 60% of deer ticks in NH carry the bacteria that causes Lyme. No need to stay in your house, but definitely use precautions laid out on this thread.

Edit to add: other ticks besides deer ticks carry other nasty tick borne illnesses like babesia, erlichia, anaplasmosis, etc. you do the same stuff to prevent the other ones but just because you weren’t bit by a deer tick doesn’t mean you’re in the clear


t1_j9b05ff wrote

Good luck on the move! Yes, stay out of tall brush and dead leaves, you should be fine. I certainly keep eyes out for ticks after a day in the woods, but rarely find them as I mentioned.