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confused-gourd OP t1_ja08r1h wrote

Technically, 'tis illegal for me to make a Meetup account. I fully think my parents would be fine with me getting it, but should I not? In any case, thank you so much for the other suggestions - I adore Barnes and Noble, and would love to spend more time in Derry.


sonarblips t1_ja09rnq wrote

Oh good point about Meetup. Do not make an account if it's against policy, that is for your safety. Maybe if a parent makes an account, you can find a club in your area that involves teens with their parents. After attending a couple Meetups with a parent, you might find a few new friends that way. Your parent may be up for a new friend or two as well :) Pick an event you may both enjoy. Also, about libraries, I think Derry is for Derry residents only, so check with your local one.