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fabulous_phoenix t1_ja7atgf wrote

I think it looks great! My fiancé always discusses that they don’t pay taxes???


Loosh_03062 t1_ja8ofpc wrote

Actually, they do. Because of how the financing and tax credits were done the city had to transfer ownership to an independent corporation and then lease it back. The tax bills for the past several years can be pulled from the city's web site (the Citizen Service Request section). The assessment's low because of when it was done, but will likely be updated for the next tax year.


fabulous_phoenix t1_ja8ry34 wrote

Thank you!! I’m going to keep this in my arsenal for when he says “They don’t pay taxes and that’s a huge financial loss for the city” and blah blah blah. I love him, but sometimes he acts like a cranky old man, like those guys in the balcony from The Muppet Show