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hindermore t1_j9u6roc wrote

Not that I post in antiwork, but the majority of the posts I see there are about how employers take advantage of low level employees and not necessarily about people that just don’t want to work because they are lazy. How is that indication of being a “basement dweller”?


asphynctersayswhat t1_j9ucvvs wrote

To right wingers any man who isn’t hardcore conservative is a man-bun wearing basement dweller who doesn’t know their gender. Funny thing though, these basement dwellers are also apparently experts at election fraud, and have stolen several without consequences.


hardsoft t1_j9uhzz2 wrote

I was banned from antiwork for pointing out stealing from your employer is both illegal and unethical.


trig8787 t1_j9v2mgu wrote

Probably because that isn’t the point of antiwork lol


hardsoft t1_j9w1mji wrote

I was commenting to a thread promoting theft but was banned for "supporting authority"


trig8787 t1_j9w2cqa wrote

Damn, that sucks. I agree with your comment.
