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TedBundysVlkswagon t1_jdh6t2k wrote

Thank you for this detailed explanation. :) Sounds like a fun school, and congrats for turning things around as a student.


GraniteGeekNH t1_jdh9don wrote

Keene is a pretty cool (very) small city, partly because it has KSC almost downtown. That makes a difference even if the school isn't world-class.


boldolive t1_jdi7xon wrote

Yeah, and Keene also has Antioch University, which brings a lot of very smart and talented older students to the area who have done a ton to improve the community. One example among many is that the Monadnock Food Co-op was the brain child of two Antioch students; writing a concept paper for the Co-op was their final graduate project, and they were deeply involved in raising money to build the Co-op after they graduated.