Submitted by [deleted] t3_11nd7z0 in newhampshire

Hi, I'm considering moving to New Hampshire from Florida. I heard there's no state income tax. Currently in Florida after experiencing having my miscarriage affected by pro-life legislation, and the possible new 6-week ban that would also criminalize seeing a physician through telehealth in another state and ordering abortion pills through the mail (which I had to do in order to complete my miscarriage b/c my OBGYN in Florida couldn't get me mifepristone at her office due to a new law that says you can only get mifepristone at a doctor's office, and no pharmacies were carrying it). Also, if my wife and I have kids and they went to public school here, if they got bullied for having gay parents, the teacher would legally not be able to talk about sexual orientation in order to teach other kids that we shouldn't bully our peers for having gay parents. Also, after experiencing Hurricane Ian, which was our first hurricane, and having been told by neighbors that big hurricanes are not common, Florida is just too much to deal with long term.

I don't like snow but I'll deal with it if I have to.

Does not having any state income tax make living there worth it? Also, how are the abortion laws? I'm too scared to be pregnant again in Florida.



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NEED_TP_ASAP t1_jbmv6nb wrote

MA has better schools, hospitals and in general, is more progressive. That isn't to say that NH is BAD but I think MA would be a better fit. Also as far as snow goes there are definitely areas closer to Boston that on average get less snow and take care of the roads better than NH. All that being said, Southern NH is probably where you want to look.


Hannahgreggg t1_jbn6fvr wrote

I agree with this most places in mass would probably suit them better. And if anything southern and coastal NH is best.


joshtaco t1_jbpl37c wrote

If you're moving to NH, go to Cheshire County. You get all the perks and none of the downside.


HenleyNotTheShirt t1_jbmsrpd wrote

Unfortunately, New Hampshire is not as progressive as it sounds like you're looking for. Only reason we aren't Florida yet is because our Governor knew he had to talk out of both sides of his mouth to keep his seat. Now that he's running for president, who knows? Literally any other North East state except maybe Maine would be a safer long-term move.


CDogNH t1_jbmsq3n wrote

MA or VT would be better.


General_Piano_5568 t1_jbn4d01 wrote

No way I live in MA …. The breed of people is better in NH, I am from NH I miss it so much


Vivid-Mammoth-4161 t1_jbnu9pd wrote

Listen to yourself …. ‘Breed of people’


General_Piano_5568 t1_jbp2tto wrote

Clearly you from MA 😂. That’s actually a quote from a landlord I had living in MA, he said he will accept me renting his property purely off the fact I was from NH and not MA scum


Vivid-Mammoth-4161 t1_jbp5dp8 wrote

lol.......deflecting your own bigotry

I have to say, you belong in NH along with the rest of the toxic waste


ShireSkiBum t1_jbomcw6 wrote

shush you. Can't you see what we are doing?


General_Piano_5568 t1_jbp2jih wrote

Whoops I mean…… New Hampshire is filled with racist and sexist . It’s a terrible state. Bread is illegal and sex is not allowed


ShireSkiBum t1_jbqiqnk wrote

it's ok your comment is getting downvoted so far that no one can see it


smartest_kobold t1_jbnj74b wrote

You wouldn't have most of those problems here, but with the clowns in our legislature who knows how long that will last.


CocoTheElder t1_jbmuy3r wrote

For all the same reasons you want to leave Florida, I am urging my kids to leave NH. MA is much more civilized with rational Healthcare and much better education. Avoid NH. Regarding taxes, property taxes in NH more than make up for absence of income tax. Live free or die my ass.


peabut_nutter t1_jboq6rn wrote

You are wrong about taxes. NH is ranked 46th (5th lowest in the US) for overall tax burden, MA is ranked 21st.


NckMcC t1_jbqvwmv wrote

This is nice to read! I wish them well on finding their progressive utopia


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_jbogjk5 wrote

Jesus Christ this is painful to read.


blabul t1_jbt78vj wrote

I know, such an awful experience to have. Hope OP finds a safer place to settle.


optintolife t1_jbn0f0m wrote

Massachusetts is the best, NH is alright, and Maine is too remote for most.


Hannahgreggg t1_jbmr0bp wrote

New Hampshire is pretty progressive and the schools here are pretty decent especially on the coast. It’s beautiful here almost year around. I honestly hate the snow too and I hate winter here but the rest of the time makes it worth it. I moved away and then came back because I missed it so much. Depending where you live it’s pretty pricy to live here we may not have sales tax but property taxes are very high here. It also surprisingly has some really amazing food. Definitely do some research and make sure it’s for you and research towns and schools. I grew up in Dover and think it’s amazing and it is one of the fastest growing places around. It is however becoming increasingly more expensive to live though. Whatever your choice I hope you find a great place to live. :)


comefromawayfan2022 t1_jbn5xuw wrote


Hannahgreggg t1_jbn6dch wrote

Ewe I hate that. I was speaking more on terms with abortion compared to the rest of the country. Up to 24 weeks and there’s no limit if it having the baby could harm the mother or child. I do hope this doesn’t pass similar stuff has been vetoed in the passes so I don’t think so. There is definitely some questionable people here like anywhere in the US recently I feel like people have been showing their true colors sadly.


beauregrd t1_jbms0hh wrote

Very expensive and hard to find housing here. Republican governor. Its not a pro life state but not pro choice, theres probably some planned parenthoods in NH for those matters. Weed is illegal. Property taxes are high, makes up for lack of income and sales tax. Low diversity and overall less to do than FL. But I enjoy it since I grew up here.


Certain-Revolution85 t1_jbmuwgk wrote

Like the other people have said. Its stupid expensive to live here right now. Theres very few decent houses available and not a lot of decent jobs. Theres hardly any public transportation and with new hampshire being so spread out l, having to travel a fair amount for a job is common. Theres no marijuana so if you have medical issues or just like smoking your screwed. The taxes are fucking stupid high and depending on where the live the schools can be complete backwoods or semi decent for a public school. Registering a vehicle is based off its value, so if you have a newer vehicle you could end up paying close to 2,000 a year to register. This state has all the high taxes and rates like any other "progressive" state yet you get very little in return. And if you are single this is a terrible state to try and build a life in.


Vivid-Mammoth-4161 t1_jbnugjb wrote

Move to MA …. It ain’t cheap but the pay is good. Lesbian governor and Asian mayor of Boston gives you a taste of the mindset

As for income taxes, most NH works in MA anyway


IHaventGotOneYet t1_jboexwb wrote

Some very odd comments going on in this thread currently. New Hampshire is a safe place to live and raise a family. While people can be standoffish here, generally they are kind. I wouldn't anticipate any issues regarding your family status. Again, generalizing, but people here tend to leave others alone and not force their religious opinions on others. It is one of the least religious states in the country - for that reason it leans "progressive" on many social issues.

It is conservative here relative to the rest of New England. The weed thing is mostly a result of financial issues stemming from the tax dependence on state run liquor stores. Folks brought up that we've got a Republican governor. Vermont also has a Republican governor. In 2019, all governors in New England except for Rhode Island were in fact Republican. Political party affiliation matters little here.

Cost of living here is high due to high energy prices and lack of real estate development combined with high demand. COL almost certainly eats any tax savings you'd earn by living here compared to neighboring Massachusetts. Infrastructure and social programs are substantially better in MA. It is also much more liberal in every respect. It is cold in New Hampshire, brutally so at times. The road salt can eat cars quickly, so maintenance costs can be higher. People seem move here for the quiet and outdoors focused lifestyle. If that's not you, I'd take a closer look at some other states!


comefromawayfan2022 t1_jbn5t54 wrote

Abortion is currently legal in NH before the fetus is 24 weeks old. After 24 weeks of age, abortion is illegal with the only exception being medical emergencies and fatal fetal diagnoses. According to an nhpr article published last month.

This article will give you more info on nhs abortion laws and what's being proposed:

I will say that NH is ass backwards in that they are currently considering a law that would ban gender affirming care for minors as well as ban teaching about gender identity in schools:


sonarblips t1_jbnt5bv wrote

While NH has no state income tax. the property taxes and others are quite high and social services are lacking. Abortion rights have been put on the table by republican politicians multiple times and we have a republic Governor for now. please keep that in mind. What is available today may not be available tomorrow. The gay community is welcome here for the most part along with the rest of New England. Anyplace in New England a more progressive than Florida, but I would suggest Massachusetts over NH. Better schools, better medicine, decent social services, mass transit, small towns and big cities. But NH has the White Mountains and the Lakes Region to brag about which keeps me here. Vermont is VERY progressive, but is quite cold and border patrol has made a bit of a mess in some areas that abut Canada.


AlertCow7301 t1_jbs1mmi wrote

Oh yeah come on up here, it’s great


[deleted] OP t1_jbz5182 wrote

Stay out of NH. Move to Massachusetts, it will better suit you.