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blzac33 t1_jbulgpf wrote

Back river road. Parking lot by unh Manch. Top of bridge street. Some decent views near rock rimmon on the west side too.


L1CKx OP t1_jbumjh2 wrote

Thank you, I love rock rim moon but slightly nervous when it comes to the copious amount of needles I always find. I’ll try the other few though!


A-Do-Gooder t1_jbupbfc wrote

If you like to walk, the All Person's Trail at the Cedar Swamp Preserve in Manchester is a nice spot for a walk. Livingston Park is also nice, but the CSP has a lot less traffic.


Fenwick19 t1_jbupjy7 wrote

Derryfield Park has a pretty cool view


Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_jburrdz wrote

Drive out 28 from Manchester to route 107. Admire the vast and the Loon Lake. Then for fun- go to the Brickfront and have some Pub food or head to Meredith and have a pizza upstairs at Giuseppe’s

You can park and watch the lake or take the walk around town docks


MommaGuy t1_jbutd0o wrote

Not from your car but a lot people go to Benson’s Park in Hudson and walk around.


bp3nh t1_jbv3fw8 wrote

Harvey Rd in Londonderry just south of the runway at the airport. Little pull off area to see planes coming in or leaving and pretty good views of the city


L372 t1_jbv98nc wrote

Head to the Manchester traffic circle (you'll pass the Goldenrod restaurant first, then there'll be a hunting supply store, a convenience store, and some road signs, one leading to the town of Chester, NH) Go around the traffic circle, aiming to pass the convenience store on your right hand side. Stay on that road--you'll be headed towards Chester, although, technically, you'll be going through Auburn, first. Don't let that throw you.

Now, on the right hand side of the road, will be Lake Massabeesic. You will see various pull offs and parking areas. A good many of them are good spots to pull over and see the views of foliage, sailboats, wildlife, etc. Depending on the season, it's a good way to get to shooting the breeze with local fishermen, or, photographers, or what-have-you. I highly recommend bringing a camera.

Should you choose to keep going, you'll eventually wind up at the blinker in Chester Center at the intersection of Route 102 and Route 121.

If you turn right, you'll be headed towards Derry, NH. If you turn left, you'll be headed towards Raymond, NH. If you go straight ahead, you'll eventually wind up in Sandown, NH. I do recommend exploring these back (ish) roads when you aren't in any particular hurry.

I realize that I may have thoroughly confused you. Here's how you fix that: Go to the bookstore, and ask for a copy of the New Hampshire Gazetteer. It's a paper map book of the towns/cities in NH, and this will be a huge help to you when GPS is being less than helpful and you're trying to either make sense of directions given by someone who has been driving the NH back roads since they got a license, or, when GPS is being less than helpful and you're trying to get off of some godforsaken back road somewhere.

Hope this helps! Good luck!


[deleted] t1_jbw1fr4 wrote

I second sunsets at Massabesic lake!

And I used to stroll to the cliff overlooking the lake quite often when my oldest kid was an infant.

Beautiful sunsets!