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liber_tas t1_jdc6kag wrote

Where is the line between slander and free speech? In our current system, that is decided by the government courts.


FlyingLemurs76 t1_jdcia4b wrote

Reading the article there wasn't anything close to slander, he seems upset that his political ideology has received backlash. Which you need to prepared for if you're employed by a university, economic research group, and running for a planning board.


nixstyx t1_jdcjt3k wrote

Well, yes, that's literally how the law works. The legislative branch passes the law and the judicial branch interprets the law. If you'd sincerely like to know where the line is, I suggest studying case law. Lots of decisions and precedent to read through here:


TXblindman t1_jdcq7sf wrote

Absolutely love this website, was very helpful in my constitutional law class last semester.


liber_tas t1_jdcuu7h wrote

Yes, so someone might think they're slandered, the court might decide not. Not sure what your point is though.


PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_jdcznd6 wrote

Being upset by what someone is saying about you doesn't mean it's slander.


liber_tas t1_jddm1lu wrote

Yes. That's why we have courts to decide what is and what isn't.
