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ParhaeKor t1_jdd0l1r wrote

Everything is too damn expensive in Southern NH. But then NH has relatively more freedom than its surrounding states. You get what you pay for.


ComprehensiveFool t1_jddague wrote

Yeah right. Our state outlaws a plant that all our surrounding states have made legal but we’ve got Free in our motto so it must be true.


tylermm03 t1_jddmo78 wrote

On the bright side we have no income or sales taxes, and we’re eliminating interest and dividends tax in the next few years. If you’re into guns, our gun laws are very relaxed compared to other New England states (except for Maine, their laws are also very relaxed). On top of this we’re one of the safest states in the US in terms of violent crime.


pullyourfinger t1_jdfvket wrote

interest and dividends tax gets paid by basically no one...


tylermm03 t1_jdfx5bl wrote

The exemption is around $2.400 if I can recall. So basically unless you have a lot of money in corporate bonds (I’m guessing treasuries are exempt from I&D tax but don’t quote me on it) or a lot of stock that pays out high dividends, you’re probably not going to owe anything. You might be able to get around it if you get dividends in the form of stock instead of cash but I honestly don’t know.