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BlobAndHisBoy t1_jdqlf94 wrote

Yeah, why didn't they test their ice cream for THC before selling it like every other ice cream shop? Reckless and egregious, I am outraged.


NHiker469 t1_jdqnejk wrote

Stupid take lol


Matryoshkova t1_jdqudu6 wrote

That is what your take is sounding like, genius


NHiker469 t1_jdqv25w wrote

In your opinion. Im in a group chat with with all the parents from my children’s school (who chose to be in the chat). It’s interesting how their take is nearly the same as mine

This place is done, as they should be.


captain_falc25 t1_jdqznad wrote

That literally is YOUR take that you keep spamming up and down this thread


NHiker469 t1_jdr0a9e wrote

Just my own comment. No worries. They will be shut down soon enough.


BlobAndHisBoy t1_jdsb9h1 wrote

How do you think they could have prevented this? What precautions are others taking that they didn't?