Submitted by yo_mama_5000 t3_ydcovl in newhampshire
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itrcxdp wrote
I can find you many more articles that same the same thing. But I know The Daily Mail won't be ad blocked for people.
heklakatla t1_itsf8sy wrote
Our authoritative source is a British tabloid?
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itslezw wrote
If you understand how the media works, places like the Daily Mail will just generate articles from other sources (often local to your area). Here is a list of other sources if it bothers you:
heklakatla t1_itsvmjd wrote
The article you linked from the Concord Monitor quotes the local expert as saying there aren't shortages.
The state expects inventories to increase as heating season begins ramping up in December, and Ellms said the state is not concerned about shortages
[deleted] t1_ituux0s wrote
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itt6kdb wrote
We shall see. In any case it doesn't seem that our present state is where we want to be. Which is why I suppose the Department of Energy is urging governors to get on the ball.
heklakatla t1_ituka5e wrote
Unfortunately businesses don't typically 'get on the ball' unless there are legal regulations, financial incentives, or both.
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itussza wrote
>financial incentives
Well, the job of a business is to stay in business
Truthislife13 t1_itrimsc wrote
Weren’t people trying to store gasoline in garbage bags a disaster or two ago?
1976dave t1_itvboh3 wrote
cue always sunny music
The gang solves the gas heating oil crisis
movdqa t1_itrd665 wrote
Many people I know bought pellet stoves years ago to supplement other heating systems and it's worked out well.
FreezingRobot t1_ituuwsr wrote
I have a pellet stove and it works great. We can swap back and forth (propane is our other heat) depending on the year's prices.
vexingsilence t1_itrg3xm wrote
How exactly would people hoard heating oil? The tanks are almost 300 gallons. They going to fill their basements with 5 gallon jugs?
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itrgdac wrote
Actually, people might do this. But I think the fear is more about the distributors taking too much? Not sure.
vexingsilence t1_itrhcm8 wrote
The logistics of it don't make much sense. You can't just go and pump some heating oil, it has to be delivered. So they'd siphon their own tank? Or add another tank? You could use plastic jugs and fill them at the gas station with diesel, but that'd be a fairly grueling exercise for the amount you'd need to heat a home, and it'd likely be more expensive that way since you'd be paying tax on it.
Could be the distributors.. but why would they want to over order when prices are high? It's only a win if they have a lot of excess oil and no one is able to get more. But that'd be begging for the state to go after them for price gouging during an emergency/disaster situation. Worst case, prices drop and they can't sell the excess for anywhere near what they paid.
Seems dumb either way.
Kv603 t1_itsm1ic wrote
> You could use plastic jugs and fill them at the gas station with diesel, but that'd be a fairly grueling exercise for the amount you'd need to heat a home, and it'd likely be more expensive that way since you'd be paying tax on it.
The good news is, there are forms you can fill out to get a full refund of the federal and state "road tax" for road diesel fuel used for non-road purposes -- comes out to 46.5¢/gallon in rebates in NH.
[deleted] t1_itvnict wrote
I've never done this, but some of the heating oil dealers do have pumps out front and sell it as "off road diesel", with no tax charged.
Kv603 t1_itvzuwj wrote
> heating oil dealers do have pumps out front and sell it as "off road diesel",
I assume they sell their ORD at the same price as they'd charge to deliver heating oil, looks like $5.40/gallon in S.NH today.
Sites like Gasbuddy do pretty good at keeping their gasoline prices updated, but are often way off on diesel fuel prices. Actual prices today for fully-taxed road diesel start at $5.39/gallon, though you can do better with memberships (e.g. BJs in Nashua is $5.10 for members) and gas cards.
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itrhzxt wrote
I'd be major bullshitting if I could say how the distributors will behave. I know I do have 800 gallons contracted at $4/gal so maybe my distributor would want to make sure they can meet their contracted demand? I'm sure there's also just that panicky feeling for them to fill their storage tanks so the meet as much customer need as they can and retain customers in the future.
But as for individuals. I remember videos of people filling up trash bags with gasoline during the last price spike. So there's that. :)
vexingsilence t1_itriaj8 wrote
There was a great video of a guy that lined his pickup truck bed with plastic and then just filled it with gas. No cover or anything. Lost half of it just pulling out of the gas station.
People are amazing.
yo_mama_5000 OP t1_itriez6 wrote
Yup, I remember that one as well. :)
Constant-Dot5760 t1_itrsru8 wrote
You could use plastic jugs and fill them at the gas station with diesel, but that'd be a fairly grueling exercise for the amount you'd need to heat a home, and it'd likely be more expensive that way since you'd be paying tax on it.
I'm just now taking a peek at this. for Nashua diesel shows me $4.39 and shows me heating oil at $5.59.
Is the $1.20 arbitrage done 5 gallons at a time worth it? I cancelled my keep-full service and will buy 100 gallons at a time. That means I'd spend $120 more but eliminate 20 trips. Eff it. I'm too lazy.
vexingsilence t1_itrtdg2 wrote
Might be worth doing if someone can't get a delivery. Set the thermostat to the bare minimum to keep the pipes from freezing.
Constant-Dot5760 t1_itugqri wrote
Truth! I did exactly that when I moved into my house and couldn't pay for 100 gallons for a couple of weeks. Never thought about those circumstances.
Kv603 t1_itw0ql1 wrote
I've done it when I was running low. I use the same 5 gallon yellow cans as I use to fuel my lawn tractor.
My daily HHO usage varies from about 2 gallons in November to over 5 gallons a day during a frigid nor'easter. Using the woodstove can cut that by half.
On an unrelated note, prices of cordwood and pellets are also climbing beyond last year's high.
UnfairAd7220 t1_itrr1aq wrote
42 gal bbls.
redeggplant01 t1_itrtq4x wrote
Rationing is a red flag that your government is too involved in the industry being rationed, like we saw and continue to see in communist nations
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_itsktij wrote
The rationing is by wholesalers and not the government.
redeggplant01 t1_ittzl5z wrote
Your denial of reality and history is humorous
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_itu3m2f wrote
Unless someone is providing evidence that the government is requiring them to ration it's pure speculation.
redeggplant01 t1_itu3xkm wrote
The existence of the illegal dept of energy and its anti- fossil fuel policies and the state governments constant prohibition on improved supply projects disproves your opinion
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_itu54sh wrote
Your denial of reality is humorous
redeggplant01 t1_itvoszq wrote
Prove it
mmirate t1_itst5g4 wrote
If the wholesalers weren't bound by certain government regulations, there would be price increases instead of rationing, that way demand would decrease, equilibrium would be attained, etc etc.
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_itsv2rm wrote
Are there regulations preventing price increases? I haven't seen any of that.
mmirate t1_itthtki wrote
There is no other possible motivation for them to ration instead of increasing their prices.
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_itu3odg wrote
So no evidence then, just speculation.
UnfairAd7220 t1_itrqtlc wrote
Been coming for 10 years.
Cuomo prevents pipelines crossing NY state. Democrats shut down near the whole fleet of nuke plants across the region.
Shutter all but one coal plant.
Joke Xiden throttles gas and oil capital investment. 2 refineries shut down. Whiting IN blows up. Heating oil and diesel supplies get punished.
If its $5/gal now, I can't wait to see what happens if we get a cold winter. $10? $15?
People on fixed income are basically fucked.
Whatever you do, keep voting blue! /s
Federal-Cockroach-62 t1_itru6v2 wrote
Is t anyone discussing the piss poor management by our federal government and the people who voted down the northern pass a few years ago? Little short sighted…..
smartest_kobold t1_itrxyxb wrote
Was the Northern Pass secretly an oil pipeline and everybody kept it quiet?
Federal-Cockroach-62 t1_ittae3q wrote
Was it not energy? Are your electricity bills going down as well
overdoing_it t1_itue5kj wrote
If part of the deal was dissolving eversource and putting a public utility in place that doesn't have investors to please I might just support it.
smartest_kobold t1_itrchan wrote
The daily mail is slightly more reliable than Facebook screenshots.