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HowardNelsonJr t1_iu5boxg wrote

Women aren’t even women to the democrats anymore. They are “birthing people”, “those with uteruses” and “those capable of menstruating”. The party of science says a man can dress as a woman and is now a woman.

Just stop. No one cares. They care about every day issues, not hypersensitive liberal crybaby crap. This is why the R’s will win. Trying to paint KL as a misogynist is laughably stupid.


juicebronston t1_iu5rykn wrote

If nobody cared, then you wouldn’t keep replying to these posts in an attempt to make your fiction a reality.


HowardNelsonJr t1_iu5smzs wrote

Since comprehension is difficult for liberals:

No one cares about the issues democrats are running on. I wasn’t saying no one cares about the conversation.

What did I say here that’s fiction that you didn’t actually attempt to challenge whatsoever?


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_iu86kl0 wrote

> Trying to paint KL as a misogynist is laughably stupid.

I'm not trying to paint anyone as anything. I'm simply reposting a quote from a misogynist and a hypocrite. She believes that God made her to make babies, then she must also believe that she is less than a man and should be subservient to them.


HowardNelsonJr t1_iudvcaf wrote

leftists are absolutely crazy. This woman is a misogynist! 🤣