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TacoLoco2 t1_irevu50 wrote

This is what people like you do. Judge. Even though you don’t want people judging. You think it’s okay as long as you get to do it. Go start a business some time and see how many different taxes you pay…and shitty employees who treat a small business owner like Starbucks. Everyone wants something for nothing and no political party has it right. You demonize those you don’t agree with yet have no understanding of, or willingness to understand. I live a sad life?? Nah, I’m an adult and expect nothing from anyone. What’s your excuse? Your parents messed you up making you think you matter. You don’t. No politician cares about you and if you think Biden did this out of the kindness of his heart, you’re a fool


Clamd t1_irf7e4i wrote

Ok snowflake.


TacoLoco2 t1_irg3nh5 wrote

Lol, do you even know what that means? Go play your video games.

