
t1_j9ujbcn wrote

As Massachusetts has a ridiculously high tax rate, pays for hundreds of thousands of illegals, and has a license for everything…meanwhile, Sununu is about to consolidate the license process and stop the government from overreaching as they do in Massachusetts. You two have clearly never lived in mass. I’m talking from how it is run by the state and local governments…Massachusetts is nothing close to New Hampshire.


t1_j9hscmx wrote

I’m from Mass, living in NH 15+ years, and fear the wrong type of masshole coming to NH. I moved here because I don’t like how Mass is controlled. If people turn this into that, then what? Those are the people nobody wants. Leave us alone. Mind ya business. Contribute in a meaningful way. Otherwise, stay in Mass!!


t1_j4xeq3k wrote

Huh?? Yeah, it is junk science. And slavery was once legal, but we don’t do that anymore either, so finding out something is bullshit is good. And yeah, physical fitness that differs by age and sex is bullshit too. Just means a woman is more likely to fear for her life and shoot someone rather than a man who can defend himself. All these cop rules are broken routinely in order to hire sons, daughters, and other people who shouldn’t be cops. Fuk the hiring process. It’s bullshit and clearly doesn’t work


t1_j4wrpee wrote

Easy, easy, me officer. How about the fact that they cut one leg of the chair shorter than the other? Or ask questions like, ‘do you look in the toilet after you shit’…what’s that telling us? And if you know the administrator or know someone who knows the administrator, none of it matters.

They do not rule out bad candidates as evidenced by that Laurie list of shitty cops in the state that continue to be supported as law enforcement even though they are known liars. If it worked, there would be no list because the cops hired would be great people.

The polygraph is a farce.

And my tip to the person who posted this, shave the head, drink tons of water, and deny deny deny. If they can’t prove it, don’t admit to it. Do not waiver from the denial because they WILL mess with you and say something came up when it didn’t. They just mindfuck you into contradictions yourself.

Also, also, don’t be a cop. Sorry retired officer, I respect good cops, but there is a generation of people that don’t respect any cops. Too much risk and very little reward.


t1_irgpl2x wrote

The trolls aren’t the problem. It’s the babies who can’t handle a different opinion are the problem. Society has raised a generation of them, and that’s who is mostly using reddit - white, and 18-29 years old disagree with these people and you get downvotes. The baby generation. Whaaa whaaa whaaa. Go ahead, Down vote away:


t1_irgp0v2 wrote

Yup. I’m here. I’m open minded. I don’t claim one side or the other. I think all politicians hate us. I think anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I think people who play video games and comment on Reddit are losers. I also think Reddit is filled with tons of great information. So go ahead and continue to be a fat, judgemental, lonely human who blames others on Reddit for their lack of happiness. I won’t judge…


t1_irevu50 wrote

This is what people like you do. Judge. Even though you don’t want people judging. You think it’s okay as long as you get to do it. Go start a business some time and see how many different taxes you pay…and shitty employees who treat a small business owner like Starbucks. Everyone wants something for nothing and no political party has it right. You demonize those you don’t agree with yet have no understanding of, or willingness to understand. I live a sad life?? Nah, I’m an adult and expect nothing from anyone. What’s your excuse? Your parents messed you up making you think you matter. You don’t. No politician cares about you and if you think Biden did this out of the kindness of his heart, you’re a fool


t1_irehddd wrote

Reddit is filled with Libs because the republicans are out working their asses off and don’t have time to downvote people on Reddit.

Also, you’re dumb. Biden isn’t doing what people want. People want full legalization. He’s tricked you into thinking the crumbs he’s throwing you are a gourmet meal. Biden hates you. Democrats hate you. Just as much as republicans do. There are no good politicians. You’re a fool If you think otherwise
