Submitted by Final_Act6703 t3_y492ez in newhampshire
Another bill which is coming through the pipeline from our “gentlemen” Republican legislators.
Submitted by Final_Act6703 t3_y492ez in newhampshire
Another bill which is coming through the pipeline from our “gentlemen” Republican legislators.
If the biological father wanted the mother to have an abortion, does she have the right not to and force him to pay child support?
Does a biological father have any choice?
That bill isn't coming through the pipeline; it went to Interim Study; a nice way of killing it.
But the sponsors could reintroduce it for the 2023 session.
That was last year and got soft killed in the House.
I don’t know anything about this bill, but according to the General Court docket, whatever version of the bill that’s coming out of Interim Study is scheduled for Executive Session on 10/18/22 at 1:30 PM. The bill won’t actually be dead unless they ITL it on the 18th.
What no one ever discusses is how many men get women to have abortions. Where are the abortion activists concerning the coercion of women to kill their unborn child.
It’s not even men’s rights activism. It’s just a double standard.
It is before the Executive session on the 18th.
This is the kind of bill you can expect from Republican legislators. Nov 4 is coming.
As he said it is not dead. More to the point, this is the kind of bill which Republicans bring to light. See you in November.
Nice copy/paste. It doesn't make you look like a bot or a troll at all...
I do believe legislation should exist that allow men the right to terminate their parental obligation of a child after paternity is proven. Women have the right to force a man to have a child even if he isn't mentally, emotionally or financially ready, while also having the option to abort that child for those same reasons of not being ready. No person should be forced into parenthood.
I personally know of 9 children that exist in this world because their mothers "knew they could force the father's to pay for their kid". That's 9 children being raised by selfish and thoughtless mother's, who in turn will raise them to believe as they believed, that they can force responsibility for their choices onto someone who doesn't want it.
I've held several friends hands while they had an abortion done. You don't need to see a video to be able to debate a topic that effects 50% of the population.
For fucks sake can people please stop thinking they have a right to force a woman to incubate a fetus against her will?
It’s beyond gross.
Abortion is self defense.
Should everyone have to watch someone’s head get blown off to have the right to a gun?
The only people who should be able to file this petition and vote on this are women. Plain. And. Simple. Even in cases of marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend, incest and rape. It’s the woman who does all the work (carrying/delivering) so it should be up to her and her alone to make that decision.
Now let’s get back to real issues…like defunding the police, pronouns, COVID and removing every crooked politician (I.e., everyone) in DC.
Oh, and space. We need more space in space.
I refuse to accept this…copy/paste is a better friend to me than most humans.
I think I agree with everything you posted, especially the bit about the 9 kids…me and my siblings are the result of a dim witted woman’s attempt to squeeze the government for free/subsidized stuff.
I’m not entirely sure I understand “nobody should be forced into parenthood” though. It sounds like a two-way street, but…
I think there was an episode of this on SVU once. I would imagine it would be one (or more) of the following:
"You're on some men's rights activism bullshit."
I don't know what you mean by this. Yes or No; should the biological father have a say as to whether or not the fetus is carried to term?
I believe if the biological father wants the child to be born, he MUST be made financially responsible. If however, the biological mother wants the child to be born and the father does not, and the mother gives birth, the father should not be financially responsible.
This is not "bullshit". It's called FAIRNESS.
Vermin supreme 3024!
Eh.... there's a grain of truth there, but no. The House voted to dispose of the bill with a vote of Interim Study. They returned it to the Committee, for study, along with other bills. The committee studied them over the summer/fall, and on the 18th will go into Executive Session to vote on what those reports are, which will appear in the House Calendar at some point so everyone knows how they turned out. It's usually (IIRC) Recommended for Future Legislation or Not Recommended for Legislation. (It's been years since I served in the House, don't remember the exact verbiage and am not going to look it up.)
The bill is dead - the committee could unanimously vote that it was the most spectacularly awesome idea since sliced bread, and nothing could happen with it. The House and Senate won't be back in session to take action, there are deadlines for actions which are long past. The House politely sent it back to the committee to die.
I’ll take your word for it, as it sounds like you know more about the House’s parliamentary procedures than I do. My knowledge of Executive Session outcomes is limited to ITL, OTP, or OTP with Amendment. But, it sounds like there may be different outcomes for bills referred for interim study.
Apparently, the committee voted 12-7 Not Recommended for Future Legislation. (I was close, I forgot the word Future.)
smartest_kobold t1_isd6eeh wrote
It would be fun to see how many men are actually willing to force a woman to give birth when they also have child support for 18 years.