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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_its6uhk wrote

She's getting the lay of the land before the slaughter in Nov. Hope she takes pictures


pahnzoh t1_itsnjoz wrote

Wife of corrupt demented old president comes to stump for corrupt old out of touch senator that for the life of my I can understand why anyone would vote for.


Decent-Door-8951 t1_itup2gn wrote



pahnzoh t1_iturlio wrote

Keep lickin' the democrat boots


Dux_Ignobilis t1_ituvkwf wrote

Maybe you wanna get your news somewhere other than Facebook memes and Fox News..


pahnzoh t1_ituvwv0 wrote

I use neither. Y'all stuck in the matrix assume so much


Dux_Ignobilis t1_itv2mpm wrote

You're aware most of the anti-Biden rhetoric is directly sourced from the Kremlin and the GQP media-outlets eat it up like hot garbage because they understand their watchers won't actually research any of it... right?

Literally labeling Biden "corrupt demented old president" is a Kremlin talking point.


pahnzoh t1_itv3pwt wrote


Then we both despise him. Don't really care about what Russia has to say.

I'm my own person and make up my own mind. Fuck Biden, Putin, and all authoritirians.