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Tullyswimmer t1_ixdnyf7 wrote

The biggest thing that this has that previous efforts haven't is that it doesn't include state-run distribution.

Now, granted, the state WANTS the profits, like alcohol. But I like how this bill looks in terms of legalization. Treat it like beer and wine, rather than liquor.


wallflowerattheorgy t1_ixdqvkv wrote

Exactly. They won't do it without getting the taxes from it being state run and they can't have it be state run if it's still federally illegal. We could legalize possession and consumption without allowing a market for it like Maine used to have and that would probably be the closest we could get until the federal prohibition is lifted.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixdr4yv wrote

> We could legalize possession and consumption without allowing a market for it like Maine used to have and that would probably be the closest we could get until the federal prohibition is lifted.

Yeah, if this effort fails, that's what I'd like to see next. Legalize home growing for personal use, legalize possession and consumption, because for fuck's sake we can drive an hour in just about any direction and find it for sale, legally.


Inevitable_Ad6868 t1_ixdvo0q wrote

Laughing at a state weed store on 93 at the border.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixdw24j wrote

Yeah, drive down Route 3 and the instant you hit the MA border there's like, a dozen billboards for weed stores. At this point they could at least legalize possession, use, and personal growing... It's not like it's hard for us to get legally.


agent_tits t1_ixe57jp wrote

Nature’s Remedy is usually more NH plates than MA lol


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixh5q2f wrote

That's cool for you guys, but up here in Coos it's a little farther to get there. My closest spot is in Maine, a little over an hour each way, and have to go through 2 notches to get there. Not something I love doing in the winter.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixhl9u7 wrote

Well, you live in an area that has it's own law enforcement show on discovery channel so...

Jokes aside, you could just go up to Canada.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixhlnqr wrote

No, I can't. I don't have a passport, until last month the border was closed (covid), and I got a DWI in the states 20 years ago that I've yet to address with our friendly neighbors to the north. Not to mention how the fuck you figure I can bring weed in from another country lol


Tullyswimmer t1_ixhmebp wrote

Ahh, yeah, the lack of passport and the DWI makes it a bit tricky.

As far as bringing weed in from another country... I know a guy who's got a camp way the fuck up in Vermont and pre-COVID he'd bring it back over, because the New England states didn't have a lot of dispensaries that were close. Granted, that was going from somewhere where it's legal to somewhere where it's legal. I also don't know if he just didn't declare.

I do know that when I was 19, I went up to Quebec and brought back a bottle of wine into the states, and the border guards had no problem with it, so I'm assuming that weed is the same way.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixhmxrx wrote

Maybe I could cross in Vermont, but I would think the NH plates and ID would make things tricky. Plus I'm not sure the closest dispensary would be any closer than going over to Maine. Seems like something I'd hate to find out the hard way. Would rather just be able to grow my own without the risk of losing my house / kids.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixholpr wrote

Yeah, that's fair. I don't use myself but I see no reason why people can't grow their own if they can just drive to ME, VT, or MA and get it.


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_ixhphfo wrote

Exactly, I stay up here because I just like to be left the fuck alone haha.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixi0vdg wrote

Damn good place to live if you like to be left the fuck alone, that's for sure.


Darwins_Dog t1_ixe13wu wrote

This gets repeated every time the topic comes up. Has anyone from the legislature or governor's office actually said this? I can't find anything on it. One if the most recent bills would have given full control to the liquor board and it was rejected without debate.

EDIT: have they said that they do or don't want state control, I mean. Seems like we're mostly speculating on why it keeps getting rejected.


Tullyswimmer t1_ixe1lwv wrote

So, in the text of almost every recreational legalization bill before, it gives control over the sale and distribution to the state in some form (including the one you mention).

This is the first bill where sale and distribution is explicitly privatized and the state is left out entirely.