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agent_tits t1_ixe68vt wrote

It’s wildly out of reality for most sane state governments, but now I’m imagining a slightly different moderate GOP governor who does pass the bill enshrining state control - and essentially traps the Biden admin into either legalizing via executive order (assuming no passage in Senate), taking no action and sorta de facto legalizing, or laying his 80yo cards on the table and taking punitive action


Tullyswimmer t1_ixe9fyp wrote

> or laying his 80yo cards on the table and taking punitive action

I mean, not unique to Biden, but this is exactly what the feds would do. They'd punish first, and then let it go to SCOTUS, even though this sort of thing should be solidly within a states' rights issue. Whether the short term punishments would be worth it or not... That's the tougher question.

The feds don't like being forced to do anything.