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Searchlights t1_ixejy41 wrote

I don't think NH will do it until the State can run it and create tax revenue from it, and I don't think they can do that until the Fed unfucks themselves.


currancchs t1_ixer302 wrote

>think NH will do it until the State can run it and create tax revenue from it, and I don't think they can do that until the Fed unfucks themselves.

I've been saying this for years. They want it on the state liquor store model, but aren't going to ask state employees to commit federal crimes, so need to wait until the Federal government gives the OK. I think that the concern is that allowing private stores would make it really hard to go to the NH liquor store model if the Federal government ever does give the OK to the states, as opposed to this weird middle ground where its illegal, but the laws aren't enforced.

Definitely weird for the Live Free or Die state to be an island of prohibition!


h_to_tha_o_v t1_ixfwxxf wrote

I respectfully disagree. The Feds wouldn't touch that. All other states with legalization have regulators that are heavily involved with overseeing the operations of and collecting taxes from marijuana sales.

With how broad the Controlled Substances Act and Federal Money Laundering Statues are, you could technically charge every state with a legal regulated market right now. All state marijuana tax revenues are technically laundered.

The Fed already gave this OK under Obama, through the introduction of the Cole Memo (by the DOJ), which was a major policy shift indicating USDOJ would not enforce those laws against MRBs operating in compliance with state regulations and a set of "Priorities" (e.g. no sales to minors). While Trump's DOJ rescinded that (it was non-bindimg anyway), the DOJ as a department stated they would continue their non-enforcement approach.

I hate politics, but the fact is that GOP "politician" support for marijuana has been weak (but I know lots of conservative stoners), there are plenty of GOP in the NH Legislature, and you can't run an end around via ballot measure like we did here in MA.


2_dam_hi t1_ixfzg9f wrote

It's not cool that NH lawmakers are essentially turning so many of their citizens into federal criminals every time they bring cannabis back from another state.


IggyBiggy420 t1_ixgbvkw wrote

They're not turning you into a criminal. You are turning yourself into a criminal. It's illegal, and everyone knows this. I am for legalization but you're just wrong.


warren_stupidity t1_ixhii40 wrote

Yeah well I think they are starting to realize that a lot of revenue is going south and the feds aren't going to legalize it anytime soon.

Anyway this bill explicitly enables a private market for retail pot.