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1776WeThePeople t1_ixfqao9 wrote

NH has been holding out for federal legalization because they want to control sales the way they do liquor.

Can't mandate you get your weed from state weed stores if weed is still federally illegal, and they aren't about to let all that money go anywhere but the states pocket.


2_dam_hi t1_ixfz5w2 wrote

They've lost so much revenue over the past 4 or 5 years, maybe they're finally realizing how stupid they've acted. (just kidding. that's never going to happen)


tacoavenger413 t1_ixg29nw wrote

This makes sense of the stagnation perfectly for me, thank you.


warren_stupidity t1_ixhi9av wrote

This bill doesn't do that.


TheodoeBhabrot t1_ixithis wrote

Which is why Sununu will veto if it passes


warren_stupidity t1_ixlx38s wrote

Fine, he probably will, but the point is that NH isn’t holding out for retail pot at state stores, some politicians keep blocking legalization, for whatever reason they have. Sununu, and Hassan before him, are just stuck in Drug War idiocy.


jessyblorp t1_ixm72m2 wrote

Nuts to me that a state that trips so hard over it’s own dick trying to be “pro business,” is also largely fine with this level of Chinese-style state capitalism.

Privatize and legalize imo