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IamMikey1 t1_iv82nby wrote

Rhode Island Comic con. Met Ethan Suplee, Jason Lee, William Daniels (Mr feeny!), Ralph Macchio, and Alicia Silverstone (šŸ˜)so far!


BlackJesus420 t1_iv7lgv9 wrote

Hiked a couple 4000-footers today and cooking some chili tomorrow for football.

And enjoying open windows!


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7nct4 wrote

Two of them? Well done! Did you know Texans say chili by definition cannot contain beans?


BlackJesus420 t1_iv7qw7q wrote

Two indeed!

I definitely didnā€™t know that. I love beans! Guess I wonā€™t be making Texas-approved chiliā€¦


shaw300 t1_iv8lbsx wrote

I'm hoping to hit two as well soon. Hopefully before winter I'll be able to make it up Osceola and east Osceola.


BlackJesus420 t1_iva0yae wrote

Thatā€™s a pretty tame hike in comparison to all the rest, you should definitely be able to get it done, even with a little snow. Good luck!


Bo0ots42 t1_iv7t1zx wrote

Went on a gravel ride today. Did 75 miles, ate a burrito, and am now falling asleep on the couch. Tomorrow Iā€™ll probably go do a trail ride at Bear Brook.


sdemat t1_iv7ulrk wrote

Trying to mentally decompress after being laid off yesterday. Leaf blowed a bit and let the kids help.


Ganonsfoot t1_iv7pk2i wrote

Hung out with my wife and kid today, making a charcuterie board for us once the kid goes to bed. Unfortunately working my butt off tomorrow at work though ...


BigD7613 t1_iv78lcc wrote

LEAF BLOWING ! šŸ šŸ‚ šŸƒ where have all the acorns gone ?


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7dbpo wrote

Good question. There were tons a couple years ago. Are acorns like a 4 year cycle or something?


TinaJrJr t1_iv8e6jb wrote

My puppy would disagree, there are acorns EVERYWHERE


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_iv78xo7 wrote

Hiked Mt Moriah today. God damn beautiful. Now putting back some delish beers for the Bruins/Celts


Brutal_Bagel t1_iv7n5qo wrote

Did some brewery hopping in Amesbury, MA earlier, and now Iā€™m watching NCIS on netflix.

BareWolf brewing is now one of my favorite breweries. Great beer, and they have air hockey.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7n9ov wrote

Who doesnā€™t love air hockey? Answer = no one.


seriousQQQ t1_iv89e83 wrote

Rule 7: Always be specific when you lie.


Ok-Glass7272 t1_iv7vt77 wrote

Scared the shit out of myself doing roof work (tall house). Now, beers and switching between NCAA Football and, soon, the - hopefully - final game of the WS (got some scratch on it). By contracting with DraftKings, NH made sports betting so easy. HooYeah!


LaserRedstang t1_iv8c3tx wrote

Range time! Zeroing in new optics.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv99l7b wrote

Always fun. Whatā€™s the gun/optic combo?


shaw300 t1_iv8l17o wrote

Working, weekends are busy at a restaurant. I like it tho


Scubakim13 t1_iv7pjt1 wrote

Transfer station, library, bought apples at Brookdale farm, lunch, Washed cars and bought supplies to build a rocket stove for maple sugaring next year (first time trying)


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv74phy wrote

Iā€™m taking my kid to two hockey games. Also cleaning the garage.


Awkward_Street1708 t1_iv75ljl wrote

Mountain biking, hopefully


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv76dm0 wrote

Nice. I need to get back into that. Bikes are so damn expensive these days. Drives me nuts.


Awkward_Street1708 t1_iv7871r wrote

Prices are coming down post Covid and post Covid bike boom. I see youā€™re a VWā€™er too, Iā€™ll be washing my GLI this weekend too haha


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7czyr wrote

I hope the prices do comes down. I just want a decent hard tail really.

You might guilt me into cleaning out the GTI a bit! :)


FortitudeWisdom t1_iv7ayro wrote

Not much. Relaxing, reading, drinking whiskey, watch a movie or two, etc, etc.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7dw5w wrote

Weird recommendation, but have you ever seen "Flight" with Denzel Washington? Saw it a couple weeks ago and it was really good.


FortitudeWisdom t1_iv7rb0f wrote

Nah not weird at all lol. A while back I made an extremely random facebook post about movies folks liked but perhaps were a little less known. I mentioned Eagle Eye, but others recommended The Rock, Red Sparrow, etc. I enjoyed all of them! haha I'll check it out!


cssmythe3 t1_iv7cbp8 wrote

Taking my kid and their friends to salem MA for a tour and all the fried food and ice cream they can stuff into their bottomless stomachs.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7e578 wrote

Nice. My wife's work took her and her co-workers down to Salem last week for a fun day. They had a good time.


Glass-Vegetable138 t1_iv7ff4k wrote

Went mushroom foraging earlier and then scouted for some sugar maples! Tomorrow will probably be cleaning empty booze cans off the local trail then working on a model plane.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7h812 wrote

Damn! Good stuff. What plane model?


Glass-Vegetable138 t1_iv7jdah wrote

A-10 warthog! Usually build WWI-Korean War era planes but decided to branch out.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7jlj7 wrote

Brrrrrrt. Nice! You ever do a F-86 Sabre? Beauitful plane.


Glass-Vegetable138 t1_iv7wzo5 wrote

On the list! Iā€™m waiting for a kit! Iā€™m more a mustang fan or spitfire! BF-109 variants too. Are you an aviation fan?


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7x9ms wrote

I definitely am. Not hard core compared to others on Reddit, but since I was a kid I have loved causally learning about planes. Theyā€™re so cool. I love the early jets like the Sabre and Super Sabre. But the P-51 might be the GOAT!


Glass-Vegetable138 t1_iv8131d wrote

P-51 was for sure a game changer! The Sabre is an interesting model I would love to pick up if I can find one! The Japanese zero model is on of my favorites too! The SBD dauntless has always amazed me with its aerodynamics


RickyDaytonaJr t1_iv7ke4c wrote

I cleared the leaves from my lawn today, but this is the last year Iā€™ll be doing that. After I win the Powerball tonight, Iā€™m going to pay some landscapers to do that for me.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7nk82 wrote

One of my gifts to myself is having a landscaper. Not cheap, but gives me so much time back in life.


Ok-Glass7272 t1_iv7vx6q wrote

If you're near the Seacoast, go with Yeti. They are the best!


SillyIce t1_iv7zd60 wrote

Transfer station, meditate outdoor, smoke :)


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7zin6 wrote

I hit the transfer station today too. In donā€™t have any smoke experience, but Iā€™d like some. Whisky was the tonight.


SillyIce t1_iv7zp5r wrote

I just did whiskey too after some tree ;-) weatherā€™s nice for a fire outside


joesai t1_iv8y064 wrote

Just had a fire with my parents and neighbors, perfect night!


Omelettedufromage14 t1_iv8csis wrote

cleaning up my garden and planting cover crops, farmerā€™s market, spending every minute outside!!


Able_Cunngham603 t1_iv8txkn wrote

Looking for Bigfoot, like most weekends. (ā€¦ and weekdays)


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv9adil wrote

He captured imagination, Of people all around the globe, His name was Sasquatch so I'm told. His legend's ancient, In the ancient scribe of the indian tribe, Apache tribe.


HillyjoKokoMo t1_iv7xry7 wrote

Took down my kids swing set with my dad and my kids. Kids used power saws for the first time and loved it. They have outgrown it by many years. I had a hard time letting this go.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv7xzrz wrote

I feel that. Have two kids in their teens. Itā€™s tough.


DBGames01 t1_iv8c84k wrote

Studying, scholarship essay revisions, gym, and tea. Not necessarily in that order, but those are the things on the agenda. Junior year of college. Gotta love it


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv99mpf wrote

Ooof. I do not miss studying. But good for you. :)


Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iv7bqtz wrote

90% of these responses are going to involve 1.sleeping in tomorrow, 2.Booze, or 3. Raking/blowing leaves


Ok-Glass7272 t1_iv7w6gk wrote

So pissed. Spent about 4 hours blowing leaves last Sunday. Can't see a goddamn blade of grass today. Damn oaks.


woolsocksandsandals t1_iv7i7r9 wrote

I added to and turned about 3 yards of composting chicken and goat bedding by hand. Then did leaf blowing and a little mowing before it got dark.


deaddrums t1_iv8523r wrote

Played a show at a footrace in New Boston


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv85bwv wrote

I am very intrigued! Tell me more. What kind of music???


deaddrums t1_iv8840n wrote

It's like really weird ADHD prog rock, sometimes funk rock, sometimes punk and a little metal influence in the mix. The band is called Parietal Eye. We were playing the Hamster wheel race at the New Boston Fairgrounds where some people are running for like 30 hours straight! Pretty crazy stuff and we've played there 5 or 6 years in a row and it's always a really fun community experience! Lots of little kids dancing around and we entertain the people tenting and cheer on the runners


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_iv898hz wrote

Sounds awesome. Got any YouTube links?


deaddrums t1_iv8cx1q wrote Here is our first EP! We're working on an album now that will be a lot better but you gotta start somewhere. Listen to the one called straddleflat for a good idea of what we sound like live. Also it's on steaming services if you got that and thats higher quality than YouTube


1WantT0Bel1eve t1_ivcats8 wrote

Kid activities, movies, cleaning up the garage so I can park the vehicles in there in a coupla few weeks.


yo_mama_5000 OP t1_ivcbmvl wrote

Nice. I had my garage clean and ready to go. And then I messed it all up again. šŸ¤£


gOrDoNhAsNtPlAyEdIn3 t1_ivk44nu wrote

Being sick as a dog. It isn't covid but something's got me under the weather bad.


gohabs31 t1_ivp3egs wrote

Sitting in Florida waiting for July when I can move back to NH. Miss NH so bad right now