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checdc t1_ivn82n4 wrote

The real question is how do people keep voting for democrats with how fucked the last 2 years have been 😂 Yall have the memory of a fruit fly


Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_ivnqn1e wrote

Better than Republican fascism. Who'd rather no one votes and we just make them leaders for life.


checdc t1_ivo6jr9 wrote

Oh fascism comment. I don't think you have a clue what fascism is honestly. Can you tell me a historical fascist trait the gop has?


SheeEttin t1_ivoycwu wrote

> Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Militarism is the easy one. "Support the troops" and military hero worship has been a GOP standard for decades.

If you disagree with that characterization, feel free to provide your own.


checdc t1_ivp27an wrote

Ah he went with the Wikipedia definition that's cute. You don't find any bias in the definition? Do you think 10 years ago that definition started with far right or maybe that's just a punch word for the left? Fascism is not supporting service members who go to war so you don't have to. Fascism or the military industrial complex has been pushed by both sides for decades so pinning that on one side or another is just stupid. Both sides make money on kick backs from military and war contracts. Hence why the war in Afghanistan was never won. They wanted it to go on forever. So they could continue to profit off it. I remember Obama saying he would bring all our troops home in his first 4 years he never did. Fascism is usually described by a dictator which we haven't had in America until Joe Biden. I can't remember any president in my lifetime ever mandating Americans to do something and if they didn't threatening their very livelihoods. The only thing he didn't do was have the military force this on Americans. He did how purge the military of anyone who didn't get a vaccine. He tried to purge the entire country by getting those people fired. What do you call it when one side purges the other from existence. I remember from history the jews were purged much in the same way from society by the Nazis. Nazis are often Referenced as fascist but in fact were socialist. I can point out traits of fascism from both side but something tells me you are incapable of seeing the monster on your side.


SheeEttin t1_ivp67ex wrote

Let's see, we've got "it's biased", "both sides", "the Nazis were actually socialist", and comparing vaccinations to the Holocaust. Keep going, I've almost got a bingo.

I also note that you don't deny the militarism of the Republicans, nor provide your alternative definition of fascism.

But hey, if getting worked up with fascist apologia is what helps you get your jollies, who am I to judge?


checdc t1_ivp7uj5 wrote

No I don't deny the right has pride and appreciation for those in the military and those who serve their community. Police, fire fighters, emt, nurses, military they are thankless jobs. Appreciating someones sacrifice to take on that occupation doesn't make you a fascist. This is the same thing the left tries to do with nationalism. Pride in one's country is not a evil thing but the left tries to demonize it and portray a picture of evil with terms. If they can dehumanize the other side it makes it much easier to rally support behind eradicating them.

I didn't compare vaccine mandates to the holocaust. The holocaust came after. I compared it do how the Nazi party divided the German people. Their greatest accomplishment was how the took control of the youth in Germany through schools and athletics. Truly is fascinating how they controlled the whole population and its very easy to compare with how the left has sized control of the public school system here in America. I know you won't look into any of this cause you're lazy and close minded but it was worth a shot. Although something tells me you would have no problem with those on the right being rounded up and put in a gas chamber. Just seems like that's the kinda person you are. Go a head and admit it to the world.


CrotchetAndVomit t1_ivngt3b wrote

Give 4 examples of "how fucked" it is with sources please.


_Fried_Ice t1_ivnirbw wrote

funniest comment I have seen in 2 years.

EDIT: Thanks for the down vote, it really does reinforce the comment above, that "Yall have the memory of a fruit fly". Now I can definitely provide some links but that would be futile, because you will say my sources are not good.

4 things that demonstrate how fucked it has been, but I am sure some mental gymnastics will be played to dismiss these facts:

  • Inflation, all time high of 40 years
  • Withdrawal from Afghanistan (not the withdrawal itself, but how it was done was a complete disaster and utter disgusting failure)
  • Complete and utter mishandling of the covid-19 pandemic
  • Huge increase in crime specifically after Biden was elected, mostly in Blue states
  • And an extra one just cause, the border has been and still til today is in shambles

los-gokillas t1_ivo1y7w wrote

Do you mean the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Not Iraq? Handling of COVID-19? Trump was in charge of that through the entire first year. Almost all lockdowns and stimulus happened under trump. The border isn't in shambles it's just a republican talking point because they're scared that white people are having less babies.

Inflation and the economy overall has nothing to do with either administration and everything to do with capitalism. There is always a boom and bust cycle in capitalism. Covid allowed corporations to line the shit out of their pockets, through the government, and because of that things are getting very very tight for the working class. Soon we'll have a huge crash which will allow the capitalists to buy up our assets like it's a fire sale. This is how capitalism has always worked


_Fried_Ice t1_ivo4xj2 wrote

Yes I meant Afghanistan, I was reading about Iraq at the time of writing the post, honest mistake.

>Almost all lockdowns and stimulus happened under trump.

Who said I agree with this? I don't agree of much of the handling of covid of the trump administration either, but that is not the only mishandling of the pandemic, most of the pandemic has been under Biden thus far. Trump never supported lockdowns either, so even IF that statement is true what was essentially done is trump left it to the states to decide, and did not nationally recommend them. Nor did he push for private companies to enforce vaccine rules even though he is pro vaccine.

I don't agree with your capitalism statement, lets just leave it at that.

>The border isn't in shambles

This is a false statement, you can look it up


los-gokillas t1_ivo7md7 wrote

You don't agree with the boom and bust cycle of capitalism? It's indisputable. That's why there's a crash roughly every ten years. It has to happen for capitalism to continue to function. That's not a politically motivated observation at all just the simple truth. As you would say, you can look it up

Edit From investopedia, "The boom and bust cycle is a process of economic expansion and contraction that occurs repeatedly. The boom and bust cycle is a key characteristic of capitalist economies and is sometimes synonymous with the business cycle.

During the boom the economy grows, jobs are plentiful and the market brings high returns to investors. In the subsequent bust the economy shrinks, people lose their jobs and investors lose money. Boom-bust cycles last for varying lengths of time; they also vary in severity.",jobs%20and%20investors%20lose%20money.


Taladanarian27 t1_ivo1toe wrote

“I could provide sources, but I think you’re not gonna like them. Here’s my argument to convince you”

That’s basically what you said. As a scientist, I know if you can’t provide data to back up your claims no one will take you seriously. So when being directly asked for sources, and you dismiss the idea of providing sources, it practically invalidates anything you say.

I see your points listed. But I too would like to see sources. I want to be convinced, want to learn, want to evolve knowledge. That’s human nature (our desire as a race to innovate). So these bullet points cant really prove/disprove anything because you refuse to provide citations.

If you want people to take you seriously, I recommend being capable of backing up the words you say. If you say you CAN, then DO it. You don’t see me claiming to discover a new element and then being like “I could show you my results but you’d just be too shocked”. Nah. People wanna see. Wouldn’t you want others to see if your sources are true and legit?


MemeAddict96 t1_ivo57ne wrote

Your source on crime says crime rose during 2020 in both red and blue states. I thought Trump was president in 2020? It actually says there’s been a drop in violent crime. And it also says that public policy has little effect on crime rates.

I’m confused why you would post a source that would prove you wrong. Unless you don’t actually read things and just parrot the standard GOP talking points.


lizyouwerebeer t1_ivpdpy6 wrote

"The problem with all of these conservative critiques is that crime went up everywhere," said Thomas Abt, who worked for the Justice Department during the Obama administration and now chairs the violent crime working group at the Council on Criminal Justice.

It went up in red states, it went up in blue states, it went up in cities controlled by Republican mayors and cities controlled by Democratic mayors. It went up in cities, also in the suburbs, also in rural areas."


I don't know how that proves dems are behind the increase of crime.