CrotchetAndVomit t1_jcglt48 wrote
Reply to comment by gmcgath in Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
Your ignorance isn't my problem. Don't make it my problem with stupid shit like that bill or your comment here.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_janx55r wrote
Reply to comment by GraniteGeekNH in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
Job options for sure but none of them will pay what you need to live in those counties lol
CrotchetAndVomit t1_ja4ro8j wrote
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9s7vyy wrote
Reply to comment by ericools in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
You don't get to say you're for protecting someone while stripping away the very foundations of the structure that actually protects them.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9qr7kv wrote
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9qqwhk wrote
Reply to comment by wulkes in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
You mean this Jeremy Kaufman?
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9qq5qi wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
You should look him up. Even the libertarians he wants to represent seem to hate him. His Twitter is full of fucked up shit and he has literally said exactly what you're claiming of "progressives". In fact, here's a link.
Also, idk what progressives your talking to but it's definitely none of the ones I know. Everyone of them that I know work to protect kids. Not fuck them.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9qn556 wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
The fuck are you talking about? The "progressives" aren't the ones trying to change/remove the age of consent laws . OP has referred to what is otherwise known as pedophilia as a "sexual orientation" and is a vocal libertarian. The same ones trying to change those laws
Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9osq7j wrote
Reply to comment by Ill-Reflection-9023 in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
When equality feels like oppression you are probably one of the privileged to begin with. You lose nothing by bringing others up to your level. That is except if you're a bigoted asshole to start with
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9nuoko wrote
Reply to comment by kitchinsink in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
"highly unpopular"
You mean criminal right?
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j9nulbd wrote
Dude. Fuck you. You don't get to fuck kids and it's not a " sexual orientation" to want to be.
Why the hell are all you libertarian fuck nuggets so desperate to be seen as some sort of victim all the time?
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j73q7jy wrote
Reply to comment by thatVisitingHasher in Some popular accounts likely to disappear from Twitter as Elon Musk ends free access to API by printial
Oh course he has investors. While he is the majority stake holder he didn't buy Twitter with his pocket change. He has loans from several banks and a hand full of Saudis at a minimum. All of which likely have SUBSTANTIAL interest rates given that it's a loan for acquisition of a loss leading company
(Source from Routers with some incomplete numbers: )
He offered severance yes but that's not the point and irrelevant to this conversation
him using his own persona accounts to finance his shit show at this point that's on him and because he fucked up by coming in way too hot and torching any good will he might have had from outside investment. You can track how he typically finances day to day operations by looking at any of his other companies. They are all run similarly at the macro level.
Plenty of tech companies run at a loss and grow for substantial periods of time. It's not in and of itself a cancerous place to be as a company when your product will take time to get to a place where it is marketable. Those companies often being an IP to a functional state and then sell it or are absorbed into other much larger companies like Google/Facebook/Amazon. So much so that it's become a trope on TV with shows like Silicon Valley.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j73ne54 wrote
Reply to comment by thatVisitingHasher in Some popular accounts likely to disappear from Twitter as Elon Musk ends free access to API by printial
Yes. I know. Like I said, VC Black hole. My point was that with the shit Elon is pulling there, HIS investors are calling in their bets. That wasn't an issue for Twitter pre Musk. Twitter had made a business running at a loss and growing for well over a decade. Elon messed that all up because people hurt his feelings on the internet
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j73m4bo wrote
Reply to comment by Due-Resident-4588 in Some popular accounts likely to disappear from Twitter as Elon Musk ends free access to API by printial
His "success" got a huge bump before he was even out of diapers. All else being equal, I feel like I have a far more fulfilling and joy filled life than he does. That has a value on its own. I don't need to be a billionaire to be successful. I'm comfortable financially, have relationships that actually matter, and I don't need to be a replyguy on the internet for clout. That I do because it's fun.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j73llwo wrote
Reply to comment by thatVisitingHasher in Some popular accounts likely to disappear from Twitter as Elon Musk ends free access to API by printial
That's the thing though. They didn't before this. But he leveraged everything he could do hard that his creditors are likely forcing the hand. Before Elon Twitter was a Venture Capital black hole. That's not the case anymore. This new emperor has no clothes and the banks and oligarchs want their cut of the palace next.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_j0jk3tf wrote
Reply to comment by cathouse1320again in Tips for a Floridian moving in? by Illustrious-Study237
This is less of an issue these days.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_izgbu0t wrote
Reply to comment by bridgetlabrie in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
Property taxes in Berlin are high. The majority of households incomes there are in the 60/70k a year range total it's one of the poorest areas in the state. Poor owners and high taxes makes for hard times
CrotchetAndVomit t1_izgbaqg wrote
Reply to comment by TreeHuggingHippyMan in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
Paper mill is gone. Still smells pulpy but the chemical smell is mostly gone now. Mostly smells like wet mulch now
CrotchetAndVomit t1_iy6iak9 wrote
stuff i cant fit in the tiny ass apartment i had to downsize into and is the only thing i can afford in the state anymore
CrotchetAndVomit t1_iwpbh5w wrote
Reply to comment by UnfairAd7220 in Eversource customers could face another rate hike as utility tries to lock in new contract by netnothing
That's a lot of words to demonstrate that you have no idea how that actually works but nice try.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_ivngt3b wrote
Reply to comment by checdc in How do they call winners when 15% of votes are in? Explain like I’m 5 by heelllooooooo
Give 4 examples of "how fucked" it is with sources please.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_ivdphgf wrote
Reply to Any of my fellow New Hampshirites playing this GIANT Powerball? If you hit, what would you buy? by Beneficial-Hand4310
I grabbed a ticket. No idea what I would do.
CrotchetAndVomit t1_jcgm9rs wrote
Reply to Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
"Life free or die except if it's something I don't explicitly approve of or agree with"
-The right side of the isle.