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skullpizza t1_ivp8age wrote

There are a number of liberal policies I would like to see passed in NH as well. Abortion protections, and recreational weed. It is insane to me that Mississippi passed recreational before NH.


pahnzoh t1_ivp97qu wrote

I kind of hate that we still all use the term liberal and conservative.

Those are also libertarian positions that I support.

Liberals have largely abandoned any sense of individual rights other than abortion, and seem to support legislating anything that happens to be brought into the political Overton window at the time, rights be damned.


skullpizza t1_ivpa2vh wrote

I would say that libertarians support recreational weed far less than liberals, same for abortion. This is largely due to the greater overlap of people who call themselves libertarian with those who are typically more conservative.

Can you give me some specific examples of the points you are talking about? What specific policies are you worried about from liberals? I am worried about their tendency to tax into oblivion and overregulate. I am not worried at this time about their position on guns because of the SCOTUS.

That being said, more regulation would have been nice for chemical dumping in Manchester so that French plastics company would have had a harder time polluting all that ground water along the Merrimack with PFAs.


pahnzoh t1_ivpg4bz wrote

Those are conservatives then and not libertarians. Libertarians don't support criminalization of any drug.

Abortion has been a tough issue across the entire political spectrum because it hard to apply any principle rigidly because it involves balancing of interests between mother, father, child, timing, state, etc. Most Libertarians are against abortion regulation. But there are Catholic Democrats that are for it. It's a hard issue honestly that creates splits in all groups.

I am worried about their position on guns. I am outraged by it too. They want to lock you and me in prison for owning guns. Drive in MA with a gun and see what happens if pulled over by a state trooper. They will prosecute you and try to imprison you per the state laws the Democrats passed. They want to imprison you for it. That is evil and not defensible in my opinion. The fact that they are attempting to do this, but are unsuccessful due to SCOTUS or otherwise, is not an availing argument to me. If someone tried to kill me and was unsuccessful, should I not have any level of disdain for them? I see that as the same with Democrats and can't in good conscious ever vote for someone like that.

I don't think any party or ideaology is in favor on chemical dumping. Republicans have been going after St. Gobain hard.

Democrats otherwise don't respect my bodily independence other than abortion. Biden and the Democrats tried to force vaccination of a novel vaccine that turned out to not be all that effective. Hypocrites that use bodily autonomy as an excuse.

Democrats otherwise just want to ban, tax, and regulate anything they disagree with. From local to national government. Not saying Republicans are a great alternative in many contexts but I see Democrats are despicable.


skullpizza t1_ivpoetm wrote

The amount of libertarians who claim other self-reported libertarians as nonlibertarian is so prevalent it is a meme, lol. I agree though libertarians should be that way(against any drug prohibition).

The gun issue is real, but I don't have a lot of worry about laws like that getting into NH politics in the short term.

In addition, I agree with vaccine mandates for public schools for healthy students. I also get prickly around the rhetoric thrown around for the mRNA vaccines. They are proven quite effective at preventing death at the very least. There has been a lot of politically charged rhetoric thrown around regarding them but it doesn't bare out. I don't think companies should necessarily be mandated to have workers be vaccinated to secure employment but again, I think the vaccines are good overall.

For the record I work in medical equipment manufacturing and have multiple close family in medicine. The doctor in my family advocated the vaccine the most and is the most conservative of us having been a Rush Limbaugh fan in their teenage years.

I don't support a general vaccine mandate. But it isn't a key issue for me.

Anyway, not here to defend democrats, I just hate the fascist election deniers. They can go to hell.


pahnzoh t1_ivpswbf wrote

Oh I'm not really making a scientific claim about the vaccines. The record shows they worked initially and as the virus mutated it got more complicated from there.

My point was that I don't want the government forcing it on me. The same proponents of abortion also happen to be pro vaccine mandate. I find that to be intellectually dishonest. Even if it's good for you, the government still ought not do it. The same way they don't mandate diet and exercise, which a lack thereof has a massive adverse effect on health costs.

I think the election denier claims are silly and unfounded. But it's low on the chain of issues that I'd potentially vote on. The mistaken belief that the election was stolen is not being pushed as future legislation against my rights, which is something the Democrats are doing to a greater extent than most Republicans.


Fuzzy-Scar3055 t1_ivpet42 wrote

Sununu decriminalized weed. Hassan as governor was against decrim and although she passed medical, it was very watered down and extremely conservative. Our MMJ program is shit as a result.


skullpizza t1_ivpfjc3 wrote

Full recreational or nothing. And yeah, not all dems are for recreational either, I would argue more of them are though.