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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ivq5dm8 wrote

Is there some reason why signatures cannot be gotten to get it on the ballot next election? Whether binding or not, at least the politicians will know how people stand on the issue.

Does anyone know the reasons they cannot/will not pass this as well?


Hutwe t1_ivq8mm9 wrote

According to this, New Hampshire doesn’t allow citizen driven ballot initiatives. The only two ways of getting this done are:

  1. Voting in favor of a Constitutional Convention (we just voted ‘No’ on this). Next chance is in 10 years.

  2. It has to be passed by 60% in both state legislatures and presented to the public an a constitutional amendment. This would require only voting in state senators & reps who are in favor of this.

Sad to say, I’m not confident either are likely any time soon, but that doesn’t mean much, and I’ve been wrong about things plenty of times before.


NHDraven t1_ivq7v4z wrote

In my opinion, NH will not legalize it until it's dropped from schedule 1 federally and the profits it generates are not at risk. At that time, they'll legalize it and sell it only at NH State Liquor stores. Legalization is a non-starter as long as Sununu is in office AND it's still on schedule 1 federally. Change either one of those, and we'll see it change in NH.