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dojijosu t1_ivtz530 wrote

“First-term Rep. Melissa Blasek of Merrimack, named assistant majority leader in September, placed ninth in a district with eight seats. Blasek is also executive director of Rebuild NH, a liberty-minded group that led the opposition to pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates. While Blasek lost, most of the nearly 150 candidates Rebuild NH endorsed won their races.”

Melissa Blasek is the one who claimed that COVID didn’t kill former Speaker elect Dick Hinch, it was, and I quote “that damn mask.” She went as far as to say the medical examiner was on the take from big COVID.


FreezingRobot t1_ivu1inh wrote

Looking forward to the Republican mini-majority not being able to pass anything because not enough people show up to do their job.

Seriously, can we just hit the reboot button on the House and not have 400 members, most of which are 90 year olds and people who have too much time on their hands for the wrong reasons.


Raa03842 t1_ivu7zr6 wrote

Now we have to focus on the “Rebuild New Hampshire” radicals. They don’t want to rebuild anything but rather destroy NH


CheliceraeJones t1_ivuluz0 wrote

>Melissa Blasek is the one who claimed that COVID didn’t kill former Speaker elect Dick Hinch, it was, and I quote “that damn mask.”

She's saying he was murdered by a supervillain


ScottieWP t1_ivuwfip wrote

I don't care if you have a different opinion than me on how to increase economic growth or address climate change, but we gotta at least agree on basic facts to work together. You know, like germ theory, vaccines, masks, etc. Glad she is out.


dj_narwhal t1_ivuxyj6 wrote

I like how the military handled it. They know these monsters did not complain at the dozens of other vaccines that they had to get so when these people repeated the fox news lines about their hesitancy to vaccinate they told them to piss up a rope. In the civilian sector we had to be more careful about hurting these snowflake's feelings even though none of them had a problem with the vaccines to enter public school. Right wing media has destroyed this country.


sirspidermonkey t1_ivvtrlu wrote

OMG I just looked them up. Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

Ahh yes, freedom and small government types, lets see what bills they support:

>HB 1495, prohibiting the state from requiring businesses to require vaccination or proof of vaccination or immunity

So...they want the government to dictate what choices a private business makes. Sounds like small government to me!


Alex_2259 t1_ivw6dgx wrote

Doesn't matter, they endorse Republican who aren't snall government. In fact the only time in recorded history they ever """stand against tyranny""" is on public health topics like vaccines. On the basis of stupid and false conspiracy theories.

They... Rage against vaccines?

CACR18 - reproductive rights. Michael Yakubovich, their endorsed candidate wants big government in your bedroom, voted no. Small government my ass.

HB1349 - drug war bill related to mushrooms. Small government my ass, these candidates support the single biggest loss of civil liberties in American history (the drug war) dwarfing even 9/11 in that respect. Small government my ass.

At least he did vote yes to one cannabis legalization bill HB1598. Not nearly as bad of a hypocrite as the Texas tyranny caucus (they falsely call themselves the freedom caucus)

HB1022 - horse medicine to treat COVID-19. He voted yes.


Alex_2259 t1_ivw6xai wrote

Decrease the size and make it pay a livable wage. As it doesn't pay anything only rich people can do it, or old people.

Restrict lobbying and restrict campaign financing, tighten the belt on corporate rule.

Yeah it would work, and yes it's that simple even on the federal level. The devil is in the details; it's not easy but it would work. Why hasn't it been done? Simple, if the parasite is in charge of making medical decisions for the host - will it administer the antibiotics?


hardsoft t1_ivwke0d wrote

> allows pharmacists to dispense invermectin pursuant to a standing order entered into by licensed health care providers

So you think some politicians should get in between licensed healthcare providers and their patients? And that the libertarian thing to do should be to support that government intervention!?


Alex_2259 t1_ivwtb7h wrote

You lost credibility for pretending to not know why the GQP is obsessed with it. Calling it such is supposed to be an insult to their conspiracy theories and an ideology our country should have long lost respect for.


Kv603 t1_iw01xmg wrote

> Ahh yes, freedom and small government types, lets see what bills they support: > >> HB 1495, prohibiting the state from requiring businesses to require vaccination or proof of vaccination or immunity > > So...they want the government to dictate what choices a private business makes. Sounds like small government to me!

The meat of the bill is literally four sentences long, and yet you still didn't bother to read it?

>> The state of New Hampshire and its political subdivisions shall not require ...

HB 1495 forbids the government dictating what choices a private business makes