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HPenguinB t1_ivwq2lz wrote

Because you don't know what fascism is?


mmirate t1_ivwv5gh wrote

No, because you don't. Fascism is government supremacy and direction of the nominally-privately-owned means of production. Energizing the populace via hatred of an ethnic minority was Hitler's unique twist on it - contrast Mussolini and Franco.

China is practically fascist today, and has been transitioning in that direction ever since Mao's democidal failures taught them the same lesson that Hitler learned by reading the news from Lenin's Russia - communism is mortally inefficient because it centralizes not just the big goals like a dictator wants to, but also all of the tiny little decisions that are easily made on-the-ground in a decentralized capitalistic manner. The United States, meanwhile, has been fascist ever since the New Deal - we became the monster we sought to destroy.

As for more recent history ... ever since the end of the Occupy movement, the biggest and most-governmentally-controlled corporations, i.e. the fascist machine, have pushed the message of woke-ism, and that is the very same message Antifa shouted as they looted minority-owned small businesses back in 2020.