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t1_ivy2bht wrote

In March of 2022 the US Senate voted to end daylight savings PERMANENTLY…….next spring we go forward 1 hour for the LAST TIME


t1_ivyahxb wrote

The Senate passed it but the House hasn't even considered it yet. And almost certainly wouldn't pass it.


t1_ivz5zuj wrote

Hi, friend, you are not correct. While you are correct Senate voted to put an end to this clock-changing nonsense, neither Congress nor POTUS has taken action yet.


t1_ivyfhbf wrote

If were going to end it, then we need to keep it as the time is now and not "Spring Forward" again. A week and a half ago, my 10 y/o was getting on the bus at 6:45am in the pitch black. Since we're not changing the start time of school to be later, we need to keep the time change as it is so that it's safe for small children waiting for their busses that early in the morning.


t1_ivylr13 wrote

Maybe kids shouldn't go to school so early for a variety of reasons and should be looked at as a separate issue.

I'd rather it not be dark at 4pm, and to relate it to school kids, there was no bus after basketball practice so I had to walk home in the pitch black at 5


t1_ivynum4 wrote

And I don’t see kids walking to bus stops and school anymore in this area.


t1_ivyo66e wrote

Yep... stop at every single house. Even next doors by 30 feet


t1_ivyzd8s wrote

I remember being a kid and my brothers and our upstairs neighbors had to walk a 1/4 down the road to the house of one girl whose house was designated the bus stop. I could never understand why she wasn't made to walk up to our apartment building instead of making 5 kids trudge down the side of the road to her house. Thinking back on it now though, her mom was a major Karen, so it makes sense.


t1_ivyya82 wrote

The start time for my 10 year old is 8:20am . She has to be on the bus at 6:45 because of the number of working parents who also start their work day at 8-9am. The bus system has to stop and pick up all these kids, which isn't a lot, but takes time to make the drive and all the stops.

People are also a lot more cautious in the evening than they are in the morning. I don't know how many mornings I drove to work at 5-6 am thinking "there's no one out right now", but I never had that thought once at 5-6 at night.
