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Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iw018mq wrote

It’s Standard Time now— just leave it alone.

It’s the same light every year—it’s never been a surprise. 9-hours of daylight in Winter, 12-hours in Spring/Autumn, and 15-hours is daylight in the Summer. It’s hardly law-worthy.

There are 24-time zones, one for each hour of the Earth’s day. If you push back one Time Zone, it will out of sync with the natural order. High Noon is where the sun is at its peak (zenith) each day, this has been Science behind sundials for eons.

Also, Latitude effects sunlight. What works for Florida or Texas for sunlight, will not work for MN or New England (or England, Sweden). With or without time change, some areas of the world can experience 24-hour sunlight or or 24-hour night. That’s just Natural. No legislation ‘creates’ more light.

This started 7 November, and by 21 December we’ll start coming out of it. It’s a natural cycle.

Also, If we just kept on Standard time, I’d never have to change every clock I own twice a year, and my dog would be much happier as well. (‘Well, they forgot to feed me. I’m abandoned. I’ll stare at them woefully for an hour...’)

“Time ‘Change’: only a fool would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer blanket.”


redsteakraw t1_iw0a7lr wrote

No leave it on Savings time more people hit Deer driving back from work at darker times it kills more people and is just wrong. Still won't have to change the clock once it is set and we get the safest of the options. Also the one where you have a day left after work to do things.


raspberrybee t1_iw0knze wrote

Then they’d be hitting deer before work instead of after because there’d be such a late sunrise.


EricInAmerica t1_iw04j1f wrote

>There are 24-time zones, one for each hour of the Earth’s day. If you
push back one Time Zone, it will out of sync with the natural order.
High Noon is where the sun is at its peak (zenith) each day, this has
been Science behind sundials for eons.

There are a LOT more than 24 time zones. India is offset from GMT at +5 hours, 30 minutes. There are some others (e.g. Chatham Islands) that are offset at 45 minutes.

High noon doesn't correlate well with the zenith anywhere, ever.


Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iw06eue wrote

I did not count each 30-minute area.

time zone map with 24-zones

‘Solar noon is the time when the Sun appears to contact the local celestial meridian. This is when the Sun reaches its apparent highest point in the sky, at 12 noon apparent solar time and can be observed using a sundial.’ (Wikipedia: Noon)

Edit: Let me introduce you to the Analemma and it’s relevance to solar noon.....

“In astronomy, an analemma (/ˌænəˈlɛmə/; from Ancient Greek ἀνάλημμα (analēmma) 'support') is a diagram showing the position of the Sun in the sky as seen from a fixed location on Earth at the same mean solar time, as that position varies over the course of a year. The diagram will resemble a figure eight.” (Wikipedia/analemma)


deaddrums t1_iw087wv wrote

Wow man, thanks so much for bestowing us with the infinite wisdom that congress can't change the Earth's axis of rotation! I never thought of it that way! Everyone knows this is about how people's work/school schedules fit into daylight hours. But yeah, you're totally so much smarter than all the fools who think dropping the time change will alter the mechanics of the Earth's orbit.
