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timecrash2001 t1_ixd53a6 wrote

Canada is easier - and just as cold! But NH is doable - have gone thru the immigration experience and can give you a lot of advice. AMA!


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixdbd23 wrote

Canada is an extremely authoritarian country that's run by a guy that's right on the verge of being a dictator, why would somebody flee the authoritarianism of Europe just to go to Canada and experience the same problems, but worse lol


quaffee t1_ixdgtg0 wrote

Unhinged take


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixnjb1z wrote

Reality is not unhinged, it just is. I'm sorry that hurts your feelings.


quaffee t1_ixnl63b wrote

Oh, I'm doing just fine. But thanks for your concern. Sorry about your reality, it must be very dim.


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixq8bdx wrote

"your reality" that right there is a perfect example of why independent voters and moderates have been fleeing the Democrat Party in droves. People don't have their own realities, there's just reality and not reality. The alt left is completely delusional.