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AlfoBootidir t1_iwo39oc wrote

Bc misogyny ironically enough. It happens to only benefit the worst women. It’s bc misogyny is so prevalent people have a hard time believing women can commit a heinous crime, as deliberately as men. She’s mentally ill, or abused into it, or traumatized! Sure these defenses are used for men but they don’t work as often. Bc there’s a public awareness that women ARE more often abused and controlled, in part bc we are less physically strong and in part bc the existence of the patriarchy asserting we are emotional rather than rational.

This is always MRA’s first talking point which I find hilarious bc it shows the crux of the need for men’s rights activism, is literally misogyny. It’s the other side of the patriarchy coin. One of the very few ways the patriarchy doesn’t benefit men. And they use it to say the patriarchy doesn’t exist Lmao oh honey.
