
AlfoBootidir t1_izh7uhh wrote

I don’t feel it’s as dangerous as people claim but the neighbor shooting himself is definitely more of what you’re in for as opposed to being mugged in the street or something. Even in on the East Side. I think it’s like Delphi Indiana in that if someone were to commit a random brutal act of violence, all eyes would be on it bc everyone does know everyone.


AlfoBootidir t1_izh7c0h wrote

There’s always something in rumor that will save the shithole. Last it was the bio mill or something. Before that it was a casino. A railway would be really cool, more likely improve things, and is more plausible considering Berlin is mostly bastardized French people tho so I’ll give yo that


AlfoBootidir t1_izh21xz wrote

Anywhere above the notch is a different animal. In Dummer I came across one of those trees that exploded bc it got cold so fast the water internally expanded while freezing. I know bc splinters impaled the ground like shrapnel.


AlfoBootidir t1_izfykkg wrote

If you like nothing but the outdoors, it’s fine (also born and raised in Berlin) but as a young person it fucking sucks. No good job opportunities, the schooling was far worse than southern nh (at least it was 10 years ago), and there’s nothing to do unless you’re a hick or a junkie, basically. I remember the days we would all drive a fucking hour and a half to see a movie in theaters.


AlfoBootidir t1_izfxde0 wrote

If the only thing you like is the woods it’s fine. If not prepare for heroin or old lady stuff to be the only activities around. Also nearly all restaurants close by 8. Movie theater? Yea you’re gonna have to drive to Conway or bethel for that.


AlfoBootidir t1_iwo39oc wrote

Bc misogyny ironically enough. It happens to only benefit the worst women. It’s bc misogyny is so prevalent people have a hard time believing women can commit a heinous crime, as deliberately as men. She’s mentally ill, or abused into it, or traumatized! Sure these defenses are used for men but they don’t work as often. Bc there’s a public awareness that women ARE more often abused and controlled, in part bc we are less physically strong and in part bc the existence of the patriarchy asserting we are emotional rather than rational.

This is always MRA’s first talking point which I find hilarious bc it shows the crux of the need for men’s rights activism, is literally misogyny. It’s the other side of the patriarchy coin. One of the very few ways the patriarchy doesn’t benefit men. And they use it to say the patriarchy doesn’t exist Lmao oh honey.
