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asuds t1_iz1br7r wrote

Outside interference was real per every US intelligence agency, but you do you…

And it was misinformation campaigns and illegal campaign financing. Both of which are not “passing fraudulent votes.”.

Sound like you need to educate yourself on what happened as well as US elections in general.

But the real “crime” in all of this is the voter suppression of minorities including Native Americans by making it very challenging to successfully vote. eg ling lines, not accepting proofs of residency, one polling location for massive land areas, etc.

Why we don’t have at least a one day federal holiday for elections is total nonsense.


SheeEttin t1_iz1es7x wrote

No holiday. People still have to work on holidays, like emergency services. Just make it vote by mail already.


lMickNastyl t1_iz1chso wrote

Can't have a federal holiday for voting because then all the poor's will vote to take the money I made from them.