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jdmiller321 t1_izbgqux wrote

If you lack insurance you are probably screwed. If they know you don't have insurance they probably think you can't afford a lawyer either. Take it as blessing they're insurance isn't going after you for damage to the plow truck


bitspace t1_izbws12 wrote

This is accurate. It typically ends up being the lawyers for one insurance company vs the lawyers for the other insurance company. The person with no insurance will typically have no representation at all and will get fucked by the courts. OP will end up with the bill and an SR-22 to go with it.

I strongly recommend consulting with a lawyer to evaluate real options.


PoorInCT t1_izd887v wrote

Heck no it's usually just a telephone call between the insurance companies office people as long as there are no injuries.They don't like to pay for lawyers either.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_izbsqjr wrote

Your joking right? Your logic is 🙃


jdmiller321 t1_izcnvr1 wrote

No joke, seen it before, primex protects who they insure if you don't have insurance to protect yourself they look at you as easy picking