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OkLime8702 t1_izv1dac wrote

I live in CT and have been researching move for a while. If you are looking for a smaller house in the 1500-2000 sq ft range I think you should be able to find something in Hollis / Windham but just have to patiently wait for something of that size to hit market and schools are pretty good. Amherst is less convenient but we thought it was beautiful and more affordable and schools also seem pretty good. May be worth looking at areas that share good school districts but are less convenient/more rural too like Brookline/Mt Vernon etc


archipelago314 OP t1_izv36pa wrote

Get out of CT as fast as you reasonably can. The grass IS greener here in NH.

Thanks for the info.


OkLime8702 t1_izv3ybh wrote

Haha we are ASAP and won’t be looking back…