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Boats_are_fun t1_j264ret wrote

Just another one of those bad apples….


TimDRX t1_j26e4wl wrote

Do they not remember how the rest of that phrase goes?


dj_narwhal t1_j26krz6 wrote

Comparing 2 different sentences is seen as cheating by conservatives.


2_dam_hi t1_j26gtf1 wrote

>The calls and texts were made hours after Sargent was allegedly seen driving around drunk with a pistol in his mouth

"Totally stable. Don't even think of taking away his weapon access" - NRA


Viking603 t1_j26af9v wrote

Can the town recover the year of paid leave he's been on?


MommaGuy t1_j26tqrn wrote

Hubs said the same thing.


Viking603 t1_j28llzi wrote

Sad thing is the town wanted to keep him after the first investigation started.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j2652re wrote

Wait the suicide hotline sends cops to your house?


rabblebowser OP t1_j265rpf wrote

I think if you actively have a plan they might. In his case he was hammered and probably told the operator he had a gun.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26lbg7 wrote

  1. this is why police chiefs should not be allowed to carry a gun

  2. imagine if everyone was afforded the ability to be placed on paid leave for 1 year while your employer sorts things out.


FADEBEEF t1_j27buew wrote

Whoa now, that sounds like you want unions or some other crazy radical lefty shit. What are you, some kind of communist?


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j27fqbe wrote

Nah, unions are bad news, especially in civil services; just ask any police chief. I have a left, but I don’t use it much, if at all. I’m mostly all right. Communism? Call me crazy, but maybe a little is what we need around these broke woke imbeciles.


tidally_locked t1_j26wp15 wrote

If you or I were to do this we'd be lucky to not be in a world of hurt for the past year. This guy gets a class b misdemeanor and a paid vacation (assuming his leave was paid, usually is). Great appointment Litchfield. Let's put an alcoholic misogynistic dude in charge of the police department. This is not about left or right, red or blue. This is about conducting an honest interview and not ignoring background checks (although I'm sure that there is a lot that would have been suppressed by the 'brotherhood').

He should have been in rehab and counseling, not an appointed office, to ensure his mental health and the safety of the community.


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j27x2h7 wrote

This is not the first time someone high up in LPD has been involved in a situation almost identical to this. It boggles the mind but then you remember what state this is and it no longer does.


saltwaste t1_j2b4ylz wrote

Right?? This happened in like...'04... And again in like ' 07. Different chiefs. Nearly identical stories.


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j2bhv98 wrote

I know in early 2000s it happened repeatedly because they just kept shuffling the same upper leadership into different roles as if they all weren’t cut from the same cloth and then were shocked when another one who supported the others got in the same situation. Don’t know about now though


saltwaste t1_j2bk7v5 wrote

Yeah. I moved away years ago. But I swear we got a new police chief every other year during and immediately after my high school years. I'm relying on my patchy memory, but I believe Hudson and Litchfield were known for having pretty corrupt departments. Everything from domestic stuff, DUIs, and more police involved shootings than you'd expect in two small towns.

I want to say Hudson may have cleaned up... But Litchfield clearly still has work to do.


MommaGuy t1_j2a413c wrote

His ex wife made allegations against him for domestic abuse back in 2014 I think.


Patsfan618 t1_j26reqy wrote

Is he the one that was under investigation for misappropriation of towns funds a few years ago?


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j26uu5q wrote

I got you bro



itsallbacon t1_j26vwai wrote

But if that’s the case, wouldn’t him sexually harassing another cop kinda equal itself out? 😂


thesixfingerman t1_j276b2d wrote

The greatest threat to good cops is a bad cop. And the bad cops seem to be everywhere this year. Reform the police.


Boats_are_fun t1_j297bxl wrote

What good cops? When the good ones turn a blind eye to other cops doing scummy shit, they themselves become bad cops


doobie042 t1_j28qu2r wrote

Need a law that politicians, leo and other 'public officials' are held to a higher standard. Twice the punishment for crimes and lower bar to prove crimes.


kayleymack t1_j28y4k6 wrote

He was my D.A.R.E officer lol


movdqa t1_j28qyga wrote

You have to take sexual harassment training in the corporate world either every year or every other year. Managers have to take additional training because they are in a position of power. This is in addition to security training, records retention training and training on the actual work that you do. I do not know how you can not know this stuff in the modern workplace.

I'm unaware of a shortage of single women - you just have to make yourself attractive enough and have interests such that you can meet them. Or do the online dating thing. This was after my time but one of my sisters found her husband through online dating. Sometimes you find people via word of mouth too.


mrhuggiebear t1_j2aofts wrote

Just goes to show the rulling class play by diffrent rules


D-blue t1_j271nrr wrote

These cops are not an ordained angel. They are humans. The evil is there are more corrupt business persons, and judges, and lawyers and etc. What differentiates us humans is character. Few speak to that though


Safe_Search_Off t1_j29mznh wrote

Would you mind speaking to Benjamin's character? I'm sure alot of us here would love to hear your thoughts.