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notFrankConery69 OP t1_izvcuy6 wrote

I gotta say Pats peak!


the_nobodys t1_izvfi7m wrote

I like Pat's peak, good beginner friendly mountain. Not too crowded when we went, which is important to me


Kmanuele11 t1_izvd32f wrote



New_Sun6390 t1_izvhm3p wrote


Right. Because God forbid people stay on terrain suited to their ability.

People like you who promote skiing beyond one's ability cause ski wrecks.


kmoney994 t1_izwqrdg wrote

My favorite slope is that cheeked up ass of yours


akmjolnir t1_izxc5s7 wrote

Sunapee, but only mid-week when half of Boston isn't there.


irr1449 t1_izwwdiz wrote

I live in the Whites. Hands down wildcat. No where else can you ski 2100 vertical with a 6 minute chairlift ride. It’s cold and windy but you just need to know how to dress.


nobletrout0 t1_izwztha wrote

Cannon mountain has entered the chat


Protectourwinter t1_izx20t3 wrote

Shhh... Cannon is always under cloud cover with winds blowing over ice covered trails


mvhcmaniac t1_izx4kfe wrote

Problem with cannon is that it has maybe 5 days a year with good snow, rest of the time it's half ice rink half boulder field.


irr1449 t1_izx3plv wrote

The problem with Cannon is that it's right on 93. It's like a direct link to assholeville.


AmazingChicken t1_izx4ffb wrote

"Oooooh, it's so cold an icy there, and the wind is terrible..." response to out-of-staters. All true, but the views and the runs are so worth it!


TurboChargedRoomba t1_izx7mtl wrote

When vail actually opens it...


irr1449 t1_izxryk4 wrote

I went there for the first time this weekend and they have definitely stepped up their game this season. People made a huge stink last year becuase it just seems like they didn't care, didn't put in any effort. This year I'm seeing like 2-3X the amount of staff, way more snow making already, some attempt at organized parking. Even the store had 3 employees working where I've never seen more than 1. So far it looks much improved!


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_izxsssk wrote

When the snow is fresh...cannon. When there are small crowds....loon. When the snow is fresh and the crowds are small...wildcat.

Backcountry spring skiing shout-out...tucks


reddittheguy t1_izy2fpw wrote

You really can't beat Cannon after a fresh dump of snow.


capybarramundi t1_izwleey wrote

Abenaki. Just a small hill with a rope tow. Used to take the bus there after school in the winter. It was kind of like the town babysitter. Not the best skiing, but tops in nostalgia.


plowfaster t1_izvr3qe wrote

Ragged or cannon but Loon on the right day is unstoppable


dorvann t1_izwr82p wrote

Living in the Plymouth area it is kind of disappointing no one has been able to keep Tenney Mountain open.

Not that it was the state's best.


findasafespace t1_izvd9my wrote

Black Mtn in Jackson.


ajb15101 t1_izvvsf7 wrote

Owner is insane.


DirtDawg21892 t1_izwdyst wrote

How so? Can you elaborate? I've only been once, don't know anything about the owner or surrounding politics.


[deleted] t1_izwj2ey wrote

It’s not political, he’s just an asshole.


ajb15101 t1_izwuyuk wrote

He kicked out a nighttime race series and ski the whites business because too many people showed up. Not because they were rowdy or disrespectful, just too many people wanted to buy beer and he killed the whole operation.


[deleted] t1_izzfvd5 wrote

If he just ended the partnership, no one would have cared. That’s well within his right as a businessowner. Maybe you even thank them for their support over the last 10 years to be polite, but it’s not necessary. This is common sense. Basic decency.

No, what the owner of Black Mountain did was talk shit about everyone involved, including other local small business owners. Business partnerships fall through all the time. Only a real trashy asshole rants on Facebook and slanders everyone involved. Conversely, the other parties handled it graciously. Killed him with kindness.

It doesn’t really matter what the real story is. Whether people were skinning without a pass, or BYOB to the nighttime race. You just don’t do that. Especially when the partnership was so long standing and it was all locals.

There’s been a lot of mountains that have stopped allowing uphill travel for various reasons. No one wants a ski area to ban it, but it’s well within their rights. I can’t think of any other owner that’s handled it so poorly and made it so personal and nasty, because only a crazy person would do that.


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_izy2q78 wrote

Don't know owner from Adam...but what I understood was people had their own beer (not purchased) which not only would cut into owner's profit margin...but can put his liquor license in jeopardy.

Again...don't have a dog in the fight (except for I showed up, first time ever, the night in question ready to skin up and party at a bonfire!)...just heard there was a little more to it than throwing everyone out on their ass


findasafespace t1_izx8hp4 wrote

I know him personally, have always thought he was a great guy. Haven't ever had any negative interactions with him myself. Edit: previous owner, if this has happened in the last 2 or 3 years than it wasn't the gentleman who owned it most of my life.


bursonjm t1_izvheju wrote

When I was younger I loved wildcat


tinyoddjob t1_izvi8zw wrote

Bretton Woods for me.


mvhcmaniac t1_izx4o0h wrote

Surprised this hasn't come up more often. Best snow in New England, IMO.


Unfiltered_ID t1_izvvxxi wrote

I love Sunapee but they don't have night skiing :/


thetruthstrikes t1_izvw1qf wrote

Attitash Bear Peak, every day of the week.


Business_Ad_3995 t1_izwsq46 wrote

Mt. Eustis in Littleton. Great community run rope row with decent elevation and only $5. So perfect for a few runs and kids


nobletrout0 t1_izwzwts wrote

No one has said loon or Waterville which is funny because there are so many people there. Mostly from Massachusetts.


Naillian603 t1_izx1ljv wrote

Pat’s. Lol jk


baroquesun t1_izxssgk wrote

You jest, but Pat's is great for learning! I learned to ski as an adult, first time at 27 and I was up at Gunstock...pure ice and no greens. It was awful.

Luckily I went out to CO and had a better time there, but since my first season getting back into it is mentally challenging each year and Pat's is super unintimading, so it's great for that at least!


Naillian603 t1_izxv2zv wrote

I grew up on Pat’s and Crotched. They’re great for beginners but after living here for so long I get bored of those two within an hour or two of riding.


baroquesun t1_izxwsl7 wrote

Can most definitely see that haha, some good eats around there though too!


Naillian603 t1_izz55h6 wrote

I will admit their kitchen has always been the bomb


MemeAddict96 t1_izy7riz wrote

I was looking for a Pats comment lol. It’s my favorite because it’s close to me. I’m a novice-intermediate who only goes maybe 3 times a season. I pick a weekday and it’s like I got the place to myself.


morrissjeffa81 t1_izxs7j8 wrote

Not sure if any of you ever had a chance when it was open, but the Balsam'e Wilderness Ski Resort in Dixville Notch was absolutely wonderful. It wasn't the biggest or the baddest ski area, but the atmosphere was great, the views were beautiful, and trails were really in very nice condition. I skied there in the early 90's while attending Colebrook schools. My last time there was January 2003 after returning from Michigan for my grandfather's funeral. It was midweek when I went and there were maybe 15 people there, I had the place to myself with my fiancee at the time. Always loved that it was hidden away in the north and not spoiled. I heard of plans to restore the hotel and ski area along with expanding the ski services but it seems this is dead in the water at this time. Thankful for the memories.


1976dave t1_izwuc5s wrote

I haven't skied everywhere in NH yet but that's because I really enjoy Cannon so that's where I usually wind up.

Ragged mountain is pretty nice too actually. Not huge, and I loved the $20 student lift tickets when I could take advantage of it.


GhostOfaFormerSelf t1_izwq0et wrote

For bringing my kids to learn it's McIntyre. For me to get some quick laps in, Cannon.


morrissjeffa81 t1_izxqlpx wrote

I learned to ski at McIntyre in the 80's when I was in kindergarten! Great experience!


bingqiling t1_izx9tlz wrote

Cannon and Bretton Woods


ryboto t1_izxb6ih wrote

The Cannon.


ihaveatrophywife t1_izxk4cw wrote

Used to be Wildcat but it has gone downhill - no pun intended. Cannon or Attitash or Breton Woods depending on natural snow and how busy they are


SuspiciousoBug t1_izy8qgw wrote

This is Crotched I take it! It's my go-to since I live right there and go with my family all the time, but I would like to check out Pat's this season.


are_we_in_a_fight t1_j005q1t wrote

Pat's trails aren't as fun as Crotched, but the vibes are excellent. Nice local spot. Good people all around. Fun themed events. Great for families with kids happily zooming everywhere. They have some fun park features for all abilities, too.

Be forewarned that if you are a snowboarder, there are a lot of flat spots especially on skier's right where you can get stuck if the snow isn't particularly fast.


VinsonChe90 t1_izzk3rt wrote

Sunapee is close by, so that’s my home resort. Midweek is great, weekends are iffy depending on how many lifts they have open and if every Masshole and their mother decides to ski there that weekend.


livefreethendie t1_izzuz2c wrote

I live 2 miles down the road. If we get a sunny weekend after a snowy week the traffic backup will be even past my driveway. Its insane


VinsonChe90 t1_j032rod wrote

I’m glad I’ll be doing more midweek than weekend. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that nonsense. If I do go weekends, I get there early and stay warm in the lodge. Bring some hot cocoa or coffee in a thermos for the line and lift.


KeiserX13 t1_izzuywx wrote

Loon, Cranmore, Gunstock


Seahearn4 t1_j02vls4 wrote

Attitash - Everything is spread out enough to limit bottlenecks

Sunapee is my nostalgic go-to


KrissaKray t1_izx0qi4 wrote

I don't ski but when my sister and BiL come to visit, my BiL (who is a huge skiier) *loves* Loon.


owenthegreat t1_j1e1n5f wrote

Gunstock for sentimental reasons & proximity, Cannon then Wildcat for the best skiing.


Historical-Fennel860 t1_izx1o9i wrote



Historical-Fennel860 t1_izx2366 wrote

To elaborate, it’s sooo wide with a variety of trails and lots of space to not run into people too much even on a busy day. Great glades trails on a powder day that I could ride over and over. Plus the cafes right around the area are to die for :)