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ajb15101 t1_izwuyuk wrote

He kicked out a nighttime race series and ski the whites business because too many people showed up. Not because they were rowdy or disrespectful, just too many people wanted to buy beer and he killed the whole operation.


[deleted] t1_izzfvd5 wrote

If he just ended the partnership, no one would have cared. That’s well within his right as a businessowner. Maybe you even thank them for their support over the last 10 years to be polite, but it’s not necessary. This is common sense. Basic decency.

No, what the owner of Black Mountain did was talk shit about everyone involved, including other local small business owners. Business partnerships fall through all the time. Only a real trashy asshole rants on Facebook and slanders everyone involved. Conversely, the other parties handled it graciously. Killed him with kindness.

It doesn’t really matter what the real story is. Whether people were skinning without a pass, or BYOB to the nighttime race. You just don’t do that. Especially when the partnership was so long standing and it was all locals.

There’s been a lot of mountains that have stopped allowing uphill travel for various reasons. No one wants a ski area to ban it, but it’s well within their rights. I can’t think of any other owner that’s handled it so poorly and made it so personal and nasty, because only a crazy person would do that.


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_izy2q78 wrote

Don't know owner from Adam...but what I understood was people had their own beer (not purchased) which not only would cut into owner's profit margin...but can put his liquor license in jeopardy.

Again...don't have a dog in the fight (except for I showed up, first time ever, the night in question ready to skin up and party at a bonfire!)...just heard there was a little more to it than throwing everyone out on their ass