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UnfairAd7220 t1_j048u8j wrote

Why would Skillings stop if they didn't hit water? They need to be approached too.

The TC has no responsibility to your and your purchase.

I want to say in 1995, there was a section of Bedford 'The Birds' where the whole neighborhood was struggling to access water enough that Pennichuck plumbed in a line and set up a pretty big tank at the highest point in the neighborhood and set up a fairly local water distribution system that was lengthened enough to feed a grade school not too far away.

Maybe your TC can have Pennichuck do the same thing for that area, too. Going to their site, it doesn't look like Brookline is part of that system...


RelationshipJust9556 t1_j05eg79 wrote

Never a guarantee to hit water. I'm sure that skillings has 100 stipulations in the contract.


why they stop? drill rig couldn't go deeper( not all rigs are created equal), They reached contracted depth, informed contractee and they decline further drilling for additional costs, They found a pocket of water that dried up quickly


LackSufficient7852 OP t1_j04h4o1 wrote

That’s an interesting piece of history! I’ll look into it. The problem with the council is that there are no laws around water mitigation or water requirements in our area. There are however laws in the areas around us. The council was approached about this three years ago and they voted it down knowing that housing would be built in areas that had no water.


UnfairAd7220 t1_j05hc3t wrote

Wow. That really sucks. Is your TC nonresponsive to other town issues? I mean, making a deal with Pennichuck wouldn't cost the town a penny. It'd be on you folks or, better yet, your builder, for selling you a pig in a poke.

Your Public works might have a notional plan for the development of a town water distribution system. If you're really lucky, you might be able to get them to kick it off.