Submitted by zetterbeauty t3_zmm5e0 in newhampshire

I just renewed my license earlier this week and have to fly out west in a few weeks. Has anyone had issues getting through TSA outside of New England with the temporary license? I’m not too concerned with TSA in Logan or Manchester, more so with TSA outside of the region. I do not have a passport as backup, and wouldn’t be able to get that done in time.



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Coopetition t1_j0bz0e0 wrote

Believe it or not, straight to jail.


KrissaKray t1_j0bqz6x wrote

Your old license serves as identification for up to a year after expiration. I was told this directly by a TSA agent when I was in the same boat. I had my old ID and my paper ID.

Edit: I would consider calling the local TSA people to verify for your own peace of mind but this is how it had worked for me.

Edit 2: I just checked the TSA site and it says this as well. “TSA will accept expired drivers licenses or state-issued ID a year after expiration”


zetterbeauty OP t1_j0brxc4 wrote

Thank you, I actually just got off the phone with them for peace of mind and they did verify that an expired license is good for up to a year afterwards. They said I may have to undergo further screening, but between that, my temp ID, and a credit card, I should be okay!


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_j0bpvbx wrote

No. Bring your temp paper license, your old license (which DMV should have told you to hang on to until you get your new permanent one) and try to find an additional photo id.


literallyatree t1_j0cfhm0 wrote

The DMV confiscated my old license when I got a New Hampshire license in February. They may not have the old one.


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_j0clo5j wrote

What?? They aren't supposed to do that. Ffs. Do you have your birth cert to bring with your paper ID? That should be able to be used with the temp id.


Kv603 t1_j0d21vx wrote

>> The DMV confiscated my old license when I got a New Hampshire license in February.

> They aren't supposed to do that.

I think there's some confusion between "renewal" and "moving here from another state"

When you change state residency, the DMV will take your old out-of-state license when you apply for your NH license, per the National Driver License Agreement:

>> If an applicant is the holder of a license issued by another jurisdiction, no member jurisdiction shall issue a license to the applicant unless the applicant surrenders the license


literallyatree t1_j0d758n wrote

Yup, I had moved to NH from Georgia and they took my Georgia license.

I see now that OP renewed theirs and didn't get a new one like I did. So my original comment is useless to OP. Sorry!


OldKingsHigh t1_j0cnq0k wrote

Arrive early.

I would bring the expired ID along with the paper license. Can’t hurt.


AlexTheTolerable t1_j0bzxwx wrote

My wife had the same issue earlier this year. I called TSA and they said it’s actually not an issue. They say to bring additional documentation, in her case she brought her birth certificate and marriage license. When she went to the checkpoint, they looked at her certificates and took her to her own line where they did a more thorough search on her. But it didn’t take too much extra time and she was allowed at both Logan and Portland, OR where we were flying to. So just bring some additional documents, like your birth certificate and Social Security card, and arrive early just in case your search takes a little time


Melancolin t1_j0c1jds wrote

I was told the same thing. I brought my SS card with the paper one and it wasn’t an issue.


Parzival_1775 t1_j0dey4q wrote

Who else remembers when they first started issuing those temporary paper IDs and pretty much NO ONE accepted them? Not stores, not bars... in some cases, not even NH police!

Pepperidge Farm remembers...


Doug_Shoe t1_j0cco2m wrote

It's impossible to say because rules constantly change and there's always a disclaimer. IE- they might not honor their own rules -because no reason.

That said, they let me fly out and back on an expired license. My fault. I just forgot about renewing. Would that work for someone else? Who knows?

If it were me, I'd bring the old license and well as the temp paper license and hope for the best.


grandzooby t1_j0cfqsr wrote

> In the event you arrive at the airport without valid identification, because it is lost or at home, you may still be allowed to fly. The TSA officer may ask you to complete an identity verification process which includes collecting information such as your name, current address, and other personal information to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You will be subject to additional screening, to include a patdown and screening of carry-on property. > > You will not be allowed to enter the security checkpoint if your identity cannot be confirmed, you choose to not provide proper identification or you decline to cooperate with the identity verification process. > > TSA recommends that you arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time.


coldnh t1_j0cakvo wrote

I flew to Texas and back last year with a temp paper ID with no issues, i bought my expired clipped ID for backup but wasn't asked for it.


Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_j0cc1rv wrote

They have a special line for people who fly without correct or any documents. You should be okay. Mother in law forgot her wallet. Flew both ways no problem - just went to special line!


vipstrippers t1_j0bzk0s wrote

My daughter flew up from Tampa. She just had to prove who she was. She forgot her ID at home. And then TSA closely examines your luggage that she got on her flight. So if anything allow extra time.


RondaArousedMe t1_j0c6so2 wrote

I was told recently by a TSA agent that they can accept expired licenses for up to 2 years after they expire!


itchybumbum t1_j0cawmm wrote

Not OP, but they always seem to take my ID when I renew.

So I always have other forms of ID ready to go when I renew (passport or global entry card).


Malzden111 t1_j0bxmyv wrote

Make sure you bring your old one also or passport. My sis flew from Boston to a small FL airport no problem with paper id. Coming back they almost didn’t let her through and made it a hour long stressful ordeal, where she almost missed it after being allowed to pass through.


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_j0ckcc3 wrote

I flew with the paper id no issues.

it's better than most other states, where it's literally just a form. at least the NH temp looks like a somewhat legit ID.


jwd673 t1_j0d0id0 wrote

You have a passport?


Visible-Education-98 t1_j0eixye wrote

Usually, your old expired license along with your new temporary one will work.


HeresW0nderwall t1_j0g7ut3 wrote

I flew out of Manch with one in 2019 with no problem. I brought my old expired one too, but they didn’t ask for it.


Time_Cup4527 t1_j0exnmz wrote

Just give yourself extra time for extra screening. Wife and I just flew to Denver and she flew with a paper license. TSA did a hand check of her bags out of MHT and Den.


[deleted] t1_j0bqgvd wrote



ItsMeFergie t1_j0bzw6z wrote

I just had mine renewed and had no trouble purchasing alcohol with my paper temp. Just make sure you have your expired plastic card with the corner clipped. The only real issue is if they need to scan it. Paper temps don’t have the scanning bar and the plastic temp comes up expired.


[deleted] t1_j0e4uqv wrote

I mean… I just bought a suppressor today and my wife bought a handgun on Sunday. Both of us still have our paper license.


Reubachi t1_j0gxovh wrote

TSA and FAA =/= Local Gun Shop + ATF

But OP you will be fine.