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11_Wolfie_11 t1_j0izi11 wrote

I suppose not, drugs, crime and shady people are everywhere to a certain degree. Just more so in those areas. I personally don’t feel unsafe there, per say. But one could feel more so, in those areas. The post was asking for insider tips on moving to NH. If I was going to move across the country to another state, I would want to move to a place that somehow embodies that state, not a trashy border town.

I grew up in Raymond, it was ok. We went to Manchester for stuff sometimes. I just see it as kind of a hole. Nashua is like Manchester, but crappier.


magicpilla t1_j0j2v88 wrote

Ah. Thanks for the detailed reply! I think we might move there summer of next year to the Merrimack/Nashua area depending on where we find a place to rent. Unfortunately not much choice in other parts of NH as my job will be in the area.


Private_Part t1_j0kypj2 wrote

I've lived in Nashua for a long time. There are other areas that are "nicer" but to be clear, there are no neighborhoods where I won't walk/bike/run through. It is nice to be close to stores and restaurants. I'd love to live in the middle of nowhere...but also really close to everything.

Biggest downside is you really won't find a property where you can setup a shooting range in the backyard. If you want that sort of thing, you'll need to move to a surrounding town.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_j0jabcg wrote

Yeah, that whole southern bit just isn’t great. It’s not Detroit, though. But to be perfectly honest with you, outside of going to a show and a hotel stay in Boston, and walking around hung over the next morning every few years, I hate the city. I am completely biased.


magicpilla t1_j0jauyi wrote

I’ll take all the opinions I can get just to be prepared. I’ll be moving from a small town in Pennsylvania where the only place to get food after 9 is the gas station, so I’m hoping Nashua will be a step up from that.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_j0jca0v wrote

Depends on where you want to step, and for what reason. Rents are crazy everywhere in NH, since the Covid thing, for whatever reason. Wherever you choose to live, I’m sure you’ll be fine.

I love living in a small town. I’m a less is more type. Please pursue whatever floats the boat. You will not spontaneously combust if you move to Nashua.