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Couldbeworseright668 t1_j1si3a8 wrote

An aggressive dog is an aggressive dog, regardless of breed. Unfortunately my most recent situation it happened to be a pit variety. My dog has been attacked a few times, and the breeds varied from a golden retriever, to a pointer and some small terrier breed. My dogs best dog friend was a pitbull growing up. And my dog was actually the dominating dog in the pairing.


Trailwatch427 t1_j1unr5r wrote

The difference is that a pit bull has the physical capability to kill an adult human or child, and a dachshund or rat terrier does not. A German shepherd, Doberman pinscher, Rottweilers, and a few other dogs also belong in that category, but I don't see people religiously defending them, the way pit bull owners do.

I live in a profoundly dog friendly area, chock full of dogs. Many labs and goldens, because we are on the water. Also because people have the sense to own dogs with sweet dispositions, not killer dogs. And people here rarely abuse their dogs, something you find in impoverished communities. If a dog is even a little snappy, they put a soft muzzle on it--to protect the dog as well as the people.

Pit bulls were bred to kill bulls. In pits. They are physically capable of piercing arteries, breaking bones, and causing severe injury--and some will do so, if provoked. A vicious doxie can't do that, except maybe to a newborn baby or a kitten. Even if a Golden or a Lab was vicious, it would have to be horribly abused to be aggressive. And neither were bred to kill bulls--they are retrievers, bred to gently hold a dead duck in their mouths. That is the point.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j1vpbnl wrote

Bottom line, I have lived with Pit Bulls as pets and known plenty of other people that have done the same and they have never been aggressive towards anyone. A dog, just like a human, if abused and taught to be fearful and angry will be aggressive. None of the dogs I have had have been that way. Pit Bulls get defended so much more because they are always vilified more. Are you the same kind of person to make the argument that all lives matter when statistically black lives end so much more?


Kolzig33189 t1_j1ws9xt wrote

You’re personal anecdotal experience does not discount biology and statistics.


Trailwatch427 t1_j1wi68i wrote

Bottom line, you are talking about yourself and the people and dogs you have known personally. I'm going to bet they are all nice privileged types who would never abuse their dogs or use them for fighting. Of course, bottom line, if their dog should suddenly get a bad attitude about a four year old, a FedEx guy, or a yappy poodle, their dog could easily kill or maim them. Easy.

I'm sure that you don't worry about that situation at all. Your dog is perfect. And so are the dogs of your friends. Fuck the rest of the world.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j1xlr8s wrote

No, just fuck your world!


Trailwatch427 t1_j1zm6a9 wrote

You have expressed yourself perfectly. You live in your own carefully constructed world, where pit bulls are cared for by loving, patient, kindly owners.

I live in the real world, where I have seen pit bulls abused and neglected, where they have bitten and killed people, dogs, and cats. You don't want to believe that world exists. Of course.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j1zsqhn wrote

Actually, all of these dogs were rescues, including one that was the "bait" dog. But good job projecting douchebag!


Trailwatch427 t1_j24nmvb wrote

Haha, you are the kind of person who values the life of a dog over the life of a child. If any of your dogs bite you or child, I have zero sympathy. I pity your neighbors, however. A douchebag is used by a woman to clean up after the mess left by a man. So I see your mentality, to use such a word.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j252i7y wrote

It's so amusing to me that you think you know me so well. You're completely wrong, unsurprisingly. But ask your mom, cause she knows me better.